@jakob ahh c) Mastodon users break the capability of the Fediverse by posting unlisted.
I wonder if unlisted must be treated as "do not load the whole thread from remote"... I guess, I assume that is the whole intention.
So I always have to remember to manually go to remote, look at the thread, copy and search for the interesting remote replies to be able to reply to those or reference to those replies?
This feels strange. Really.
So the original post gets lots of double replies because of different users giving the same reply multiple times.
@hypolite I hope you have a good time nonetheless. Maybe go to the Chinese place and eat there? Will people be out eating in Chinese restaurant that so take out on Christmas?
We were in Florida once over Christmas, I think in Miami or so, not really easy on such days in the US, very few places open to eat, at least 10 years ago.
@puniko falls es dir nichts ausmacht, kannst du mir den Link hier kurz als Antwort schicken? Gibt es noch andere Seiten die interessante statistische Auswertungen zum Fedivers machen? Kopier einfach gerne kommentarlos, also ohne weitere Erklärung, hier ein paar URLs rein, ich packe die mal in meine Linkliste.
@me just pull/update and then quickly look in the shipped .htaccess-dist or so and there is a rewrite rule line with an additional B compared to your current version, so only one capital letter B needs to be added.
@hypolite correct again, but also I am unable to add the description, I need to write down somewhere how to do that, especially it is not possible to combine a photo with a link and a description. @natenom