@newt To be honest, I really feel sorry for Ukranians as well as drafted Russian boys forced by the government they never elected to kill other Russian-speaking people (most of Ukranians also speak Russian) and being equally despised by their "enemies" as well as their superiors (the first ones call drafted Russian "mobiks" - moblets, mobilized ones, and the other ones promote the idea that "you will die in a war as a hero or you will die from an alcohol intoxication"). @valueclick
Btw Linux opened for me a pretty deep rabbit hole of FLOSS and made me not fear using CLI (which is sometimes much more effective, than GUI). @xianc78@ryo
@xianc78 I agree: most of my live I used Windows. Just 4 or 5 years ago I installed Linux and distrohopped from Mint to Manjaro. I had to install Windows for the software I had to use. So getting back to Windows is the most painful experiense, I've ever had with computers. Fuck Windows, use Bottles or VMs. @ryo