People of Mastodon. Mastodonians, if you will. I have many public speaking engagements coming up and I suddenly hate everything in my closet. Show me your most awesome public speaking outfit. Leave me links to things you think I might like. My sartorial needs range from "I'm keynoting a corporate infosec conference" to "I'm talking to a room full of generals about how the internet works" to "I'm speaking at a hacker conference" to "I'm speaking on a panel for a mainstream media event."
I assume that the geniuses telling me that I don't have any right to criticize Amazon's Alexa because cell phones also have microphones in them are unfamiliar with the decade I have spent fighting surveillance malware and stalkerware. Really, I have thought about this. I have thought about this A WHOLE LOT. And if my being salty about Alexa offends your delicate sensibilities, wait until you hear about the whole rest of my career.
My second favorite type of reply on Twitter in response to any criticism of the bird site is "You are angry. Therefor I, a random person from the internet, have won a great victory!"
My dear sir, you may not be aware of this, but my track record in destroying things that have made me angry is pretty solid. I have done fifteen years of privacy and security activism powered almost entirely by rage and I win a lot.