@puniko@mk.absturztau.be@Erpel@hai.z0ne.social Yeah - but it should also just flag the song for review or something. otherwise the moment it acts on a false positive and deletes a song or mangles its metadata (from what i can tell it also removes blacklisted artists from song credits metadata??) it's just going to get disabled entirely by the admin lol
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be@Erpel@hai.z0ne.social Yeah. I think there's a possibility they'll rethink this decision and implement it in a better way (optional and/or flagging to admins instead of outright rejecting content w/o oversight) if there's enough backlash, but OTOH they've been kinda dismissive so far... Still, might be worth a shot to leave a comment on the issue tracker.
@icedquinn@blob.cat this isn't the same thing though. this is hardcoded, completely out of the server admin's control. if it was optional i wouldn't have a problem with it
@icedquinn@blob.cat i mean the kind of people who care enough to actually self-host a funkwhale instance instead of just using [insert music streaming disservice here] probably wouldn't take kindly to their software suddenly ripping control away from them and treating them like an enemy that needs to be distrusted and policed
Funkwhale has gone off the deep end and is now trying to add a hardcoded music blocklist which will apply to songs in your personal music library - not just instances that host far-right podcasts, or the like. Because nothing is more anti-fascist than... not allowing people to listen to their own music on their own computers??? (What in the performative dictatorial nonsense?!)
This is an incredibly dangerous idea - not only is it a centralised blocklist that applies to your personal media collection and cannot be opted out of, it's also AUTO-GENERATED FROM FUCKING WIKIDATA(!) (The dev insists that outsourcing to Wikidata makes it decentralised and immune to problems, btw...)
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