@eee In Thailand foreigners aren't allowed to own land. They get round it by having a local on paper (and in actualite) own the land underneath the house they've built. This means that many Brits and others can get 'kicked' as the term is , from their own house because they don't own the land it's built on. More fool them.
I would not allow citizenship to be granted willy nilly based on time. The old German 'guest worker' good enough for people working here. This includes prifessionals such as doctors and engineers. Any crime committed - immediate deportation on conviction. Sentence to be served in original country , with reciprocal arrangements. Appeal can only be launched once deported and from the 'other side'. No Legal Aid.
Asylum system to be scrapped. Any international treaties tying us to take in foreign 'asylum seekers' to be withdrawn.
No social housing granted to asylum seekers/guest workers. Existing asylum seekers etc in social housing evicted with a 3:month grace period. Financial incentives for return to country of origin with a lifetime ban on returning to UK thereafter. Or housed by charities.
Social Housing not granted solely on 'need' but on origins of applicant and other factors. So a solo White British male who has lived in area his whole life and works gets priority over a family of just-arrived Somalis. Thus if Somalis are occupying social housing they would be evicted in favour of any White British family.
Anyone already granted citizenship has immediately rescinded on conviction of serious offence eg robbery, serious fraud , rape , murder etc. Immediate deportation to country of origin. Appeal only possible from country of origin.
Any dual citizens (hello Jews) to be deported to other country unless rescinding dual citizenship.
Marriage visas/citizenship. 10 years (not 5 as current) before passport/citizenship granted. Divorce = deportation at ANY time unless entirely self-supporting and no criminal conviction or ASBOs and of good character.
Have to go now, this will be finished edited later. It may seem a bit wishy-washy but has to be a serious proposal politically that could reasonably be enacted.
@givenup I just don't know how you can posit that Africans don't do anything with the natural resources around them - have you never tried a delicious mosquito burger? invidious.poast.org/watch?v=LItNFP7icUw
This must be a spoof 'It’s a well-known fact that whites would be eating bland food, like plain bread and gruel, if it weren’t for their theft of culinary secrets from people of color, and especially Black folks. That’s precisely why when the whites found out about coffee, it became one of the reasons they decided to victimize and appropriate Black civilization wholesale.'