Set up a few webhooks so I can post to Mastodon via email. The email subject will be the CW of the post. Tried to set up a Web hook from my new website to Mastodon via RSS and the output is really clunky. There’s all this raw HTML when I did not escape anything. I included a link to the original post at the very top of the post, but can any #WebHook experts give me some pointers for using Web hooks to post a tag RSS feed to Mastodon and have the output be text and Markdown?
since this instance has a giant character limit, I am going to experiment with publishing a tag RSS feed directly to Mastodon. Because I have my post set to automatically delete, I want to include a link to the original post at the very top. Everything I try is outputting raw HTML and I don’t know where I am going wrong because I’m not escaping any characters.