I joined a NLS mailing list and there’s a conversation happening in full swing because I received a flood of messages from the conversation about how if NLS gets cut or more, and if it goes away, it’s not gonna be missed because there are so many commercial ways to get audiobooks now that do we really even need NLS anymore? A few just outright said that they hope that Musk will get rid of the library of Congress programs like this because it’s not needed and blind people listen to too many audiobooks anyway and we need to get a real job. Even more were Republicans that were cheering at the fact that services were being cut because the government is very bad and we don’t need the government to spend that money on that many people. There are times when I wish these services were more selective. If you’re a Republican, you don’t get food stamps, you don’t get social services because clearly you don’t want social services. Why are you even using services from the government anyway? Don’t you wanna be a patriotic American and not use anything from the government? There are days where I can’t stand blind people