One of the nice thing about freelancing is I don't have a boss but in a sick way I kind of miss the drama. Let me live vicariously through you: what dumb things are your bosses making you do this week?
@Oggie Somewhat related: Bezos personally intervening to get more seasons of The Expanse, a show that’s heavy on the theme of “if a for profit company tries to get you to go to space don’t do it”
"Grok" being the name for an AI chatbot is just the latest example of tech bros not understanding science fiction. In "Strangers In a Strange Land", the famous 1950's novel the term comes from, to "grok" something is to understand it on a deep level. AI chatbots, as we all know by now, do not grok—they bullshit.
I'm really tired of sci-fi terms being used by people who read the books and got nothing from them beyond “lol this word sounds cool”. (See also: “metaverse”.)
@doot Canadian living in the states here. We don't exist in the minds of Americans. I blend in perfectly. No one suspects anything. We have infiltrated on behalf of the commonwealth and awaiting commands.
You worry about AI because it’s dystopian and creepy. I worry about it because it’s going to make the marketers emailing me even more annoying. We are not the same.
It is so wild that people here actually read the articles you link to and respond to points 3/4 of the way through it. Years of being on Twitter led me to believe people only ever read and reacted to headlines. You are all great.
Posting this here tonight for you all. Will post on Twitter tomorrow. We'll see if I have a Twitter account still on Tuesday. #TwitterMigration#MastodonMigration
I am a freelance journalist and a person. I believe that tech is a tool, not a way of life, and that we should use it to connect with each other. I currently write for Lifehacker, WIRED, The Atlantic, PopSci, PCMag, and The Wall Street Journal. I also enjoy brewing beer and being outside.