"How hard can it be to make a car, especially a self-driving car?"
I remember interviewing for a position with a company that wanted to branch out into autonomous vehicles. I've worked in automotive, though not on anything directly related to building cars themselves, and I can tell you that building a car is something that takes decades to perfect. Some companies take some shortcuts and get to shipping vehicles in less than a decade but they should be treated as anomalies, not the norm.
Bully to Apple for making the attempt, but again, if you want to build a car expect it to take much, much longer than you realize.
@futzle I'd have to fit him in between the Pixel "I saw my reflection in my dish three hours ago and it still haunts me" 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 wake-up calls.
Honestly at this point it feels like Apple is a company that is trying to appease a dead founder and a long-departed designer that never loved them back.
we are definitely not Apple people. I'm finding the Apple iOS interface inscrutable. Discoverability is no longer a priority and it's a crap-shoot that whatever hand-wave you do or pull from the side / corner is going to do something unintended or unexpected.
I used to hold Apple as the paragon of user interfaces. Now I'm not sure who holds that position.
Note: I'm a desktop Linux user. I've used computers for decades, including System 7, OpenWindows, and others. You're not going to convince me that I'm wrong, Sparky.
What is with Apple not wanting to sell the big iPad machines? JoDee went to the Apple store and they were hell-bent on having her buy something smaller.
Note: Not the place to tell me about alternatives. If it were me I'd be buying something else. I'm not the target customer here.
@MichaelKlamerus Also probably has several sprites that materialize on the screen and bounce around in a pattern that can only be described as "labyrinthine" that will drain half of your life at each collision.
Host of Open Metalcast. Author of The Mediocre Programmer Book. Contributor to Pepper&Carrot. Tootstream maintainer. #Linux Lover. #Programmer of #Python and more. Game designer. #Music lover. Tabletop #RPG fan. #RetroComputing fan. #Metal fan. Your #1 fan.I've been on federated platforms back when they ran on vacuum tubes and baling wire.(#nobot #main)(Header / Avatar by David Revoy http://peppercarrot.com(CC-BY 4.0))