@notwhatwethink another fine piece of journalism trying to explain why the "working class" now votes for billionaires, criminals, and misogynists... You guessed it: It's all the Democrats' fault. Dems are not left enough and have abandoned the "working class". That's why the poor now vote for the same people that have lied to them for decades about trickle down economics, moved trillions of dollars from the bottom of the economy to the top. Trading freedom, affordable care, unions, and justice for climate breakdown, hatred, and feeling superior simply because they are white Americans by birth... It doesn't matter that Biden openly supporting unions, the military, democracy or that his policies have set up the US with an economy that's the envy of all other nations and actually creating millions of jobs... At least the "working class" showed it to the liberal elite regardless of the consequences regardless of the root of their misery ... Read, if you must: https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/why-workers-voted-trump?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=topic%2Fliberal
@VeroniqueB99 all makes sense for the #FossilFuelMafia: Without NOAA the imminent #ClimateBreakDown will be less visible and in the public eye ... They're going to argue that it's the people's wickedness that's bringing about the hurricanes, floods, droughts, and failed harvest ... So all we must do is to pray more. Florida's rewriting school books to ban mentioning of the fossil fuel generated #climatecrisis is what these #ChristoFascists want to do across the nation! #resistnow#VoteBlue2024#FuckMAGA
WA State resident with German roots. West is Best! Five years ago I dug up my front lawn, sowed wildflowers, and never looked back. Everyone can make a difference!#LazyGardener #PeopleOverPlastic #EndFossilFuel #GreenNewDeal #TaxTheRich #30by30 #HikeTheWorld #Engineer #BikeCommute #VoteBlue #LoveIsLove #ScienceIsReal #ClimateJustice #MakeThings #RightToRepair #Science #PassiveHouse #Gardening #ZeroWaste #ZeroEnergyHome #MicroGrid #Solar #WindPower #ZeroEnergyHomes #Gardening