If @ubuntu isn't going to update packages "due to phasing", then why am I even being shown the updates that are available when I run apt update? I've had the same message for 2 days now. It would be nice to update the packages.
Why is it considered so radical to want safe pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure? Why is it considered so radical to want safe infrastructure for kids to walk and bike safely to school?
Americans are just fine with spending billions upon billions to add another lane to a freeway but will lose their shit when we ask for a bike lane.
I'm about to say something that is really, really, for some reason that I just don't understand, controversial in the Linux world: I really like Snaps. Now, excuse me while I go and hide from the flamethrowers.
But before you start using those flamethrowers, I want to tell you that I like Flatpaks, too. I know, weird, right? How can I possibly like and use them both?
This really good advice. I could write a list of 20+ independent news sources that could really use the money that most people give to corporate media.
This is great advice. But what do you do when you've been let go from your job and no longer have health insurance? Kind of hard to keep up on the immunizations, sadly.
@chris Exactly. I moved away from 1Password but actually didn't really have any issues with it. I just wanted to move to something that is Open Source. Looks like that changed. I'm seriously just going to move to @keepassxc. Great project. Maybe it's not quite as convenient as 1Password or Bitwarden but I know it's Open Source and that the project actually cares about Open Source.
There are a couple of really good password managers out there. The main reason I'm using @bitwarden is because it's "supposedly" Open Source (and very convenient to use). I moved away from 1Password to Bitwarden because it's Open Source. If this article is true, I'm going to move to @keepassxc.
"The following upgrades have been deferred due to phasing:"
What exactly is deferred due to phasing? I'm seeing this when I update my Ubuntu machines. I've actually seen the same updates available but can't update any of them and it's been 3 days. If I can't update, just don't show me the update until I'm allowed to update. I'm sure there's a logical reason for this but I just don't see it.
I mean, the author isn't wrong. I have nothing against Ubuntu/Canonical, and, of course, it's their distro so they can do want they want, but maybe be a bit more open about the intention here?