Finally got around to upgrading my son's desktop from @xubuntu 24.04 to 24.10. The upgrade finished with zero issues and the latest release of Xubuntu is really nice. I say, latest, even though it came out months ago. 😂
I've been an @xfce fan and user for many, many years. I've been giving @xubuntu another try on my laptop over the past week or so, and I am really enjoying the experience. It's already configured many things I like out-of-the-box, so no installing and configuring these things are required. Not sure if it will replace my Debian installs but you never know.
Anyone in the US using @beasts for hosting? Their hosting services look really good (and they seem like cool people) and I'm curious to know how well the hosting works for someone in the US. I'm anxious to move to a new host and, especially, a host not based in the US.
I've now been unemployed for 10 months with almost no interest from employers. I have 30 years of IT experience:
UNIX Hardware Engineer for DEC Linux Support UNIX Support for 100+ Statisticians IT Security (InfoSec, back in the day) WordPress Plugin Support Building websites with WordPress
If you know of anyone or any companies hiring, I would love to know. Thanks!!!
I'm looking for web hosting that is based outside of the US because of, well, obvious reasons. Can anyone recommend a host? I can search for hosts outside of the US but I have no idea how good they are. Thanks!
@MediaActivist@Vivaldi Honestly, I'm struggling to understand what the Mozilla leadership are thinking. They keep working on and then adding functionality to Firefox that no one wants. The fact that Vivaldi are staying clear of AI makes it winner and all the excellent built-in functionality is just a HUGE bonus.
I’m sitting at a bar and listening to a woman talk about our Illinois governor and calling him a snake. She’s a Trump supporter. Fucking stupid people. It’s taking every bit of constraint in me to keep my mouth shut.
And for those who will probably ask, no, I've never owned a piece of hardware running Windows or MacOS and, yes, I've always been able to get work done running only Linux.
I don't think I would be quite the nerd/geek that I am now if I hadn't found Linux all those years ago.
Thank you to everyone that works/volunteers on Linux and Open Source projects allowing me to do what I absolutely love to do.