@Janne_O@mekkaokereke same in Germany - it’s seems so strange to me how the US is doing it. We also vote on work free days so everyone has the chance to go.
@bhawthorne@janneoksanen@mekkaokereke Germany is made up of 16 states and we are also a federal government. Not the same as in the US but I don’t think your comparison with the EU is completely accurate.
I also get why it made sense historically but today it does seems strange to an outside perspective but I get it is hard / nearly impossible to change.
@dansup hi! I have a question totally understand if you don't want to give support but I am not sure if this is some bug or just something wrong with my setup. https://pixel.whisper.tf/paul when I am logged in I can access all posts when I am not a lot of the posts give me a "Sorry, this page isn't available."
I finalized my epaper calendar! 🤩 Calendar events are pulled from @homeassistant the device itself is running @esphome. It automatically shows as many entries as can be fitted on the screen, same day entries get grouped together.
Optionally a random quote can be displayed on the bottom or alternatively the next event of the day. The device is battery powered and uses deep sleep to extend the battery life.