Notices by Honker (
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Honker ('s status on Sunday, 09-Feb-2025 00:22:18 JST Honker
@BrazilianContrarian @disclosetv Sorry bro, I had no idea, I thought the US and Euros were the only ones getting food price rayped. -
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Honker ('s status on Tuesday, 28-Jan-2025 15:07:51 JST Honker
illegals die.
zogbots die.
cartel members die after the .zoggov comes in and MOABs them.
win. win. win.
lol, do it. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 13:36:39 JST Honker
Couldn't say why, but I'm getting feels something bad is planned for the inauguration. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 09:43:51 JST Honker
@ACL9000 I tried PK too, awful shit. Been using pic related, local grocer carries it. No faggoty soy oil. This stuff is also half the price of PK but at least 2x as expensive as goy oil mayo. Every other brand I found that says it's avocado or olive oil based has soy in it, usually as a 1st ingredient.
We should be allowed to horsewhip CEOs of trickster manufacturers.
"OM gawd, please stawp, oy vey, we put a tiny asterisk on the label!"
jews & their asterisks, for this sin alone I pray for their extermination. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 09:43:50 JST Honker
@WilhelmIII @ACL9000 Trickster hoodwinkers it seems, didn't give us a courtesy * -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 09:43:50 JST Honker
@WilhelmIII @ACL9000 What oil do you use? I don't see it listed on your site...oh. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 09:43:49 JST Honker
@totalslothdeath @WilhelmIII @ACL9000 @Escoffier A new contender has entered the ring. I've had deviled egg urges recently so I might try it soon -
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Honker ('s status on Thursday, 02-Jan-2025 09:55:14 JST Honker
It looks like Sam isn't getting a Tesla or a Chinese spy to blow him.
RT: -
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Honker ('s status on Friday, 27-Dec-2024 20:38:42 JST Honker
lol, now they're trolling him with his own AI -
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Honker ('s status on Friday, 27-Dec-2024 13:06:42 JST Honker
I wonder what's habbenin on x...
Oh, it looks as though x just isn't into freezed peach anymore.
Edit- ahhh, missed an s when checking for proofs, sadly is fake. -
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Honker ('s status on Thursday, 19-Dec-2024 09:18:30 JST Honker
lol, no, we're not really winning. The faggots will still be there, just hiding in the dark and biding their time. They're still about molesting & transing kids and will receive a paycheck that'll prolong their chance of seeing their dreams to fruition. "Well, there's no woke in this game right now. I just won't DL the extra content" meanwhile, your purchase helped to pay a pedo-fag's salary.
You haven't won anything until every single one of them is on the street, homeless, doing fentanyl until they OD and finally die.
Stop buying games from these people.
RT: -
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Honker ('s status on Sunday, 08-Dec-2024 11:18:12 JST Honker
@IAMAL_PHARIUS I know, but when I think of thieves, usurers, inside traders, or anyone who profits off of the misery of others, well... -
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Honker ('s status on Sunday, 08-Dec-2024 02:12:10 JST Honker
For Skybox owners, CEOs, board members, & those "in charge"-
The reason everyone, and I mean EVERYONE on both sides is celebrating the CEOs deletion is you've been robbing from and causing misery for everyone for so long that both sides recognize you as their enemy.
People who've paid 30 years of insurance premiums, which with interest, you've made millions off of, only to watch their child or spouse die because you denied a lifesaving $50K procedure.
People, usually when younger, you turned into debt slaves with predatory college loans on worthless degrees because they didn't know any better after your brainwashing.
People who've watched their jobs go overseas, because you wanted a few extra shekels per unit, and whose wages stagnated because you helped import cheaper labor for the few jobs left.
People who trusted you to keep them safe only to watch you champion thieves and murderous criminals who destroy lives.
People with no recourse (you have immunity from prosecution and from being sued) who believed you when you said a vaccine was safe, only to find out it wasn't, and either they or someone they love is dead or severely injured because of it.
People who've watched a huge chunk of their earnings be stolen through taxation only to see foreign countries like israel receive those taxes as aid and receive free healthcare, a wall, and anything else they desire.
People who've watched politicians enrich themselves with insider trading and outright theft of our taxes with "contracts" and kickbacks to and from their friends.
People who've seen and heard "experts" and "scientists" lie to them about everything from assassinations and pandemics to something as simple as biology.
I'd go on, but as ivy league grads and smart people, you get it.
Go ahead, employ all the "security professionals" you want. Just be warned, you'll never know if one of them is holding a grudge. And hey, maybe it's not you they go after, but someone close to you. Or maybe someone you've destroyed, with nothing left to lose, decides there's one last thing they'll do on their way out. A smart, determined adversary who no longer fears death is quite the dangerous animal. You've created millions & millions of them.
You've made things so bad for the entire populace in one way or another, they're turning on you. Oh, and they haven't forgotten about your mouthpiece news agencies and personalities who pretend to be "left" or "right" but are neither. Trying to turn people against each other with media manipulation like you did after occupy wall street won't work a second time. War won't fly again; people are onto that ploy. Giving one side Trump won't be enough either, but hey, nice try.
That fear you feel is what every man, woman, and child has felt for a long time now. I'm not the one you need worry about, I'm a good grug who does no wrong. I'm fast becoming the minority in this world though. That doesn't mean I won't enjoy your pain because although I'm a good grug, you and your policies, taxation, greed and thievery have hurt me too. It'll be absolutely delightful to see you and yours taste the pain me and mine have.
I'd say good luck, but I don't wish you any.
Honker -
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Honker ('s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2024 09:09:32 JST Honker
@TrevorGoodchild @Humpleupagus @s2208 @Griffith @ArmchairEconomist01 >Friend arrives home from work after 12 hour shift
>Grabs a beer, sits in fav chair, hanging with my brother
>Wife says something, he doesn't hear it... "Huh, hun?"
>No reply, "must not be important", continues to drink beer
>Wife walks up behind his chair, doesn't say a word
>Wife busts an unopened 1-gallon jar of pickles over his head
>"WTF!" huge gash in his head, blood everywhere
>My brother WTF's too.
>Friend throws an ashtray into his own TV, goes outside.
>My brother gets a towel, tries to help
>Wife calls cops, tells them she broke a jar over his head
>Cops show, friend is bleeding bad, they call EMS
>Cops talk to wife, she says she was scared.
>Cops ask how the TV got broke, she says he did it after her attack
>My brother tries to talk to the cops "we don't need your help"
>Cops arrest my friend for DV
>In court, wife says she was afraid
>He'd never struck her in all their time together, over a decade
>My brother testifies to what happened that night
>Friend is found guilty, jail, too violent, no visitation with his kids
>Wife goes for divorce, gets everything
His life was ruined. He lost his job, his kids, everything. She joked about it on facebook. He took to drugs and died a few years ago from the complications. He once said "I should've killed her", I didn't say a word one way or the other in agreement. I wouldn't have blamed him if he did and a prosecutor wouldn't have wanted me on a jury either. I've had friends tell me I got screwed in my divorce but I'm quick remind them it could've been so much worse. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 22-Jul-2024 10:49:23 JST Honker
lol, a new "no refunds" just dropped -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 03-Jun-2024 07:37:50 JST Honker
@Lordgriffin2022 Problem again, THREAT FUCKING ASSESSMENT.
Tard cop goes after his own unarmed countryman to protect invaders. "Duh, he was bunchin' a brownie!" Now, maybe my brain works a little faster due to needing heightened awareness from black interactions, but my first thought would be "browns working together". Why? Because 99% of the time they're either working together or they sure as shit aren't going to help. I stopped caring about "but muh 1 in 10,000 is a gud boi" right around the time my brother was murdered.
Notice, tard cop didn't give any of the brownies a 2nd look. That's why he was stabbed, he'd been zog brained, "Protect brownie at all costs, White Volk always at fault, no matter what!". Tard cop did as trained, he protected the brownie & it cost him everything. Maybe, just fuckin maybe, the other cops will learn. I highly doubt it though. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 03-Jun-2024 07:37:50 JST Honker
Oh no, the traitor German cop who tackled his own countryman to enable an outsider to stab more German volk has died.
Pressing S.
I hope Muslims shit on his grave in front of his wife & children. Wait, he's a fag. It'll just have to happen in front of his "partner" Klaus & their adopted African rape toy they named Ralf. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 03-Jun-2024 07:37:47 JST Honker
@Lordgriffin2022 @Tadg_macNuadat @Vulpes_Quartus At this point, can you blame Muslims, or for that matter, blacks? They're promised unlimited free everything, absolute autonomy, little if any intervention by law enforcement, judicial systems that now favor letting them back out onto the streets with almost no bail or punishment, etc. Rape, murder, theft are all on the table and in a much nicer place to live with a higher class of victim.
If you were a 60-80 IQ hominid, you wouldn't pass that up either. They're both a secondary issue. The real problem is jews and their useful goyim. Get rid of them, and the rest is just simple math. Blacks never acted like this. They knew if they did, they'd be hung from trees and neck stretched or beaten until they burst like pinatas.
Funny, African warlords and Arabs also deal with bad actors in a very similar manner. They know the only way their people understand "don't fuck around" is utter brutality. Retards need to be absolutely terrified to stay in line. Import more retards, gotta up the level of brutality and terror you're willing to visit upon them.
Sound familiar? It should, because as the demographics of 'merica changed, so did the militarization of the police. They did it to use as a cudgel against Whites. It was a pretty good ploy, except they brought in too many tards and now it's all going to shit. jews lacked the forethought to realize uncontrolled subhumans are a really bad idea and it'll affect them too. I guess jews aren't so smart after all. -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 27-May-2024 08:42:55 JST Honker
I was a little kid the 1st time I learned about scientific forgery. I loved reading about early hominids and anthropology (my Pop had a bunch of books on the subject).
Then I read about Piltdown Man. After that, whenever I heard they'd found a finger bone, a tooth, a partial jaw, anything really, I instantly became a skeptic. MFing fake science fags stole my sense of wonder.
I want revenge.
RT: -
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Honker ('s status on Monday, 13-May-2024 01:23:54 JST Honker
>be wimmens, not only want what men have, but their subservience
>this includes every space where men have something of their own
>"Ahhh, you have to let us in, equal rights!"
>"What was yours is mine and what's mine stays mine too, chud!"
>Some dipshit dudes capitulate, still, there are dudes who say "no".
>wimmens come in, grrlboss, bossbitch, rub their asses on the carpet
>"now we want our fag & trans allies to be in charge with us!"
>dudes say "open faggotry's unnatural, societal destruction tier bad"
>wimmens "fuckin' bigot, jews say feminism & fags are the future!"
>fags n' troons not only get rights, but promoted as the "it" thing
>many of the weaker dudes, get despondent, "nothing is for me"
>wimmen brow beat them harder, "incel, you don't deserve shit!"
>weak dudes get depressed, severe mental health decline, then...
>weak dudes see wimmen get EVERYTHING, no consequences
>weak dudes also see fags & trannies getting EVERYTHING too
>weak dudes "fuggin wimmens, if I was a...wait, I just heard I could..."
>weak dudes troon, now they can finally have an inkling of something
>weak dudes move into 'wimmens spaces', "I'm a lady😉, gibs"
>predatory rape types troon too, "gibs to me too, lol"
>wimmens freak, "WTF, this is our space! Help us dudes!"
>except we can't. You allied with psychos and stole our power.
>power which us dudes used to protect you silly bitches.
>"Ahhhh, now they're legalizing rape, you have to help us!"
>we say "remember you stole our power. Also, didn't we warn you?"
>"but that means there's no way out. I'm in a hell of my own making."
As you should be. I seem to remember reading somewhere "you reap what you sow". Who'd have thought it'd apply to wimmen too? Now, I'm gonna go out and check the roads & see how bad they are after yesterdays storm. Maybe I'll enjoy a nice motorcycle ride. You, on the other hand, should enjoy your jews, blacks, "no one is" illegals, and your beloved fags & troons. After all, you fought so hard for them.