You can follow @colonelj on seal cafe if you don't already. He is also on there. One of the better accounts on here. He also has a youtube channel: where he recompiles different clips. Great service
Why must everything we do online be in a walled garden where we can only buy products because the parents can't take care over their fucking children. Everything online is soon becoming facebook metaverse
we used to live free exchanging goods with each other. The studies recently shows it was peaceful life. Then came the kings making us work for them as slaves
One shouldn't care about these issues more than shitposting level though. There is nothing to be done anyway. Not caring about anything they want you to care about and just feeling good about life is the ultimate way to not be enslaved
What about a Islamic world government with strict moral laws punishing by death the people not following the moral codes by throwing them off rooftops?
In my opinion it explains the phenomena of transgenders using it since autistic people obsess over details in a extreme way. And linux lets you control everything about your system and customize everything. You know what is happening. And autistic people probably feel satisfied by that since that lessen symptoms. since 80% of transgenders are likely autistic it makes sense they use linux.
I understand autistic people like linux. They like something they can control and like to tinker with the system for eternity. Many transgenders are suffering from autism. I would say the majority