When I was a researcher, I was spending a great amount of time to produce things that I now realize they "were not me". Expressing and elaborating musical thoughts is much closer to what "I am", I think. Even if those thoughts are undeveloped and immature, I love to utter them. If I could go back in time, I would try and develop more the musical me...
Oh well if I can't go back in time, I'll try to go forward in the future!
When I hear the voice of a crying stag stepping through red leaves deep in the mountains: then I feel the desolation of autumn.
To my surprise, on archive.org I found a reproduction of an eighteenth-century woodblock which, I am sure, refers directly to the image expressed by the Japanese poet in the ninth century. An image that after 12 centuries continues to inspire artistic action!
The piece is for solo piano, in three parts. The compositional style, I would say, is neo-classical. As I said, it is part of the ongoing album ‘Ogura Hyakunin Isshu’ (https://eidon.bandcamp.com/album/ogura-hyakunin-isshu).
To all of you, many thanks for your interest in my work.
"The title of the opera is derived from the Persian term Turandokht (توراندخت, 'daughter of Turan'), a name frequently given to Central Asian princesses in Persian poetry. Turan is a region of Central Asia that was once part of the Persian Empire. Dokht is a contraction of dokhtar (daughter); the kh and t are both pronounced." (Wiki)
This obviously makes me wonder about the "linguistic journey" that dokhtar might have undergone, from Persia to the North of Europe and the UK.
When I tried to turn it on last week it gave me a memory error (beep -- beep³ -- beep³ -- beep) and then powered off.
After several painful attempts at executing memtest, which all resulted in a power off, I quickly selected the option to memtest in safe mode (whatever that would mean). After 1.5h, the test was completed on the first core. I then pressed ESC and tried to log again.
...And this time, I could proceed and log in! But I'm scared now.
Time to buy a new (second-hand) one, unfortunately :(
This piece is composed of ten overlapping parts, all played by me on my new bass, an Ibanez TRB100-BK. 4/5 of the tracks are in 4/4, while 1/5 are in 12/8.
Che dolci sogni mi spirò la vista Di quel lontano mar, quei monti azzurri, Che di qua scopro, e che varcare un giorno Io mi pensava, arcani mondi, arcana Felicità fingendo al viver mio!
What sweet dreams did inspire in me The sight of that distant sea, of those blue mountains That on this side I disclosed, And which I deluded myself I would cross one day, Inventing mysterious worlds and an arcane happiness for my life!