The Nuclear Regulatory Authority has issued the reports on the nuclear power plants under the earthquakes: There are "no abnormalities" at the nuclear power plants. Despite no mention of reactor troubles.
It was a mercy that the nuclear power plants on the Sea of Japan side were undergoing routine inspections. However, according to Hokuriku Denryoku (Hokuriku Electric Power Company), as a result of the earthquake, spent fuel storage pool water of Shika NPP leaked, and the fuel pool cooling and purification system pumps temporarily stopped. Shika NPP is the nearest from the hypocenter.
The 22nd annual meeting of the Association for the Interdisciplinary Studies of Japanese Buddhism (日本仏教綜合研究学会) will be held at Ryūkoku University, Kyoto, on December 17, 2023. In-person only. Excursion of the Nishi Honganji Shoin (National Treasure) and Hiunkaku (National Treasure) on Dec. 16.
The 94th Annual Conference of the Zengaku Kenkyūkai 禅学研究会 [Society for Zen Studies] will be held on November 26, 13:00-17:00 JST at Hanazono University (online available). Registration is required:
The Science Council of Japan's public symposium "Philosophy, Aesthetics, Ethics, and Religion in the AI Age (AI時代における哲学・美学・倫理学・宗教学)" will be held on November 25 (Japan Standard Time). All in Japanese. Online.
Flyer and program for the 73rd Annual Conference of the Bukkyōshi gakkai (仏教史学会; Society for the History of Buddhism), November 11, 2023. In person only.
Since I have been studying Buddhist logic (inmyō) and I am recently studying Kūkai, Chapter 6, "Buddhist Logic and Esoteric Buddhism" in this book is very interesting to me. While Kūkai did not use inmyō, in recent years there has been an increase in research focusing on the connection between tantra and pramāṇa, and I think this is a theme that should be explored in the future.
Sakuma Hidenori sensei's new book "Shugyōsha tachi no Yuishiki Shisō 修行者達の唯識思想" (The Yogācāra Philosophy of Practitioners) published by Shunju-sha, 2023. The study of Yogācāra focusing on "practice" is a theme that Sakuma-sensei has been accumulating for many years, and it is a pleasure to be able to read the result in such a summarized form.
Prof. at Hanazono University, Kyoto. East Asian #BuddhistStudies (Yogācāra, Buddhist epistemology), digital humanities, Shorinji kempo, Kamishichiken-bunko.