moroshigeki subscribers
These are the people who listen to moroshigeki's notices.
hayakawa2600 早川タダノリ
編集業。하야카와 타다노리 。『神国日本のトンデモ決戦生活』(合同出版→ちくま文庫)『原発ユートピア日本』(合同出版)『「愛国」の技法』(青弓社)『憎悪の広告』(共著、合同出版)『「日本スゴイ」のディストピア』(青弓社→朝日新聞出版)あり。 真理が我らを自由にする&労働が我らを自由にする。
yamadashoji 山田奨治 Shoji YAMADA
BirgitKellner Birgit Kellner
Trying to understand the history of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, looking closely at (Sanskrit) manuscripts, digging deep into texts. Based at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
mokujiki2 松岡誠一(仏像文化財修復工房)
tororonto_2 tam
成人済 / Owen, Marx, Kalecki / 日本の伝統宗教など / Fate SN, Steins;Gate, 鬼哭街 / 介護職 / アイコンは Azayaka_canolaさんから
h_buddhism H-Buddhism
Featuring posts from H-Buddhism, H-Net network for scholars of Buddhist Studies
acmuller Charles Muller
Prof. of #BuddhistStudies, Musashino University;#Buddhism#ChinesePhilosophy#ClimateActivist#FreeSpeech
glow_in_the_dark_cia_agent Glow Boi :cia:
Just your friendly neighbourhood CIA agentMy weaknesses are locked accounts and "#nobot" in the bio
moroshigeki Shigeki Moro
Prof. at Hanazono University, Kyoto. East Asian #BuddhistStudies (Yogācāra, Buddhist epistemology), digital humanities, Shorinji kempo, Kamishichiken-bunko.