Sakuma Hidenori sensei's new book "Shugyōsha tachi no Yuishiki Shisō 修行者達の唯識思想" (The Yogācāra Philosophy of Practitioners) published by Shunju-sha, 2023. The study of Yogācāra focusing on "practice" is a theme that Sakuma-sensei has been accumulating for many years, and it is a pleasure to be able to read the result in such a summarized form.
Since I have been studying Buddhist logic (inmyō) and I am recently studying Kūkai, Chapter 6, "Buddhist Logic and Esoteric Buddhism" in this book is very interesting to me. While Kūkai did not use inmyō, in recent years there has been an increase in research focusing on the connection between tantra and pramāṇa, and I think this is a theme that should be explored in the future.