i still have no income 😰
please consider making one-time or monthly donations 🙏
https://ko-fi.com/al_ks ☕
special thanks to the folks who suggested the idea and spread the anger! 🔥💖🔥
i still have no income 😰
please consider making one-time or monthly donations 🙏
https://ko-fi.com/al_ks ☕
special thanks to the folks who suggested the idea and spread the anger! 🔥💖🔥
Stop cop cit RICO defendant and abolitionist scholar needs funds to cover summer living expenses as she continues to fight bogus charges!
Venmo: @Hannah-Kass
“The cultural combat against colonial domination—the first phase of the liberation movement—can be planned efficiently only on the basis of the culture of the rural and urban working masses, including the nationalist (revolutionary) ‘petite bourgeoisie’ who have been re-Africanized or who are ready for cultural reconversion. Whatever may be the complexity of this basic cultural panorama, the liberation movement must be capable of distinguishing within it the essential from the secondary, the positive from the negative, the progressive from the reactionary, in order to characterize the master line which defines progressively a national culture.”
—Amílcar Cabral, ‘National Liberation and Culture’
“We believe that the organized, conscious struggle of a colonized people to re-establish the sovereignty of the nation is the most fully cultural manifestation of all. It is not only the success of the struggle that subsequently gives validity and vigor to the culture, there is no hibernation of the culture during the struggle. The struggle itself, in its unfolding, in its internal process, develops the different directions of culture and sketches out new ones. The liberation struggle does not restore national culture to its ancient value and contours. This struggle, which is aimed at a fundamental redistribution of relations between people, cannot leave intact neither the forms nor the cultural contents of this people. After the struggle, there is not only the disappearance of colonialism, but also the disappearance of the colonized.”
—Frantz Fanon, ‘Mutual Foundations for National Culture and Liberation Struggles’ (personal translation, the one hereunder isn't very good)
“In order to break these psychological-class chains of 20th century enslavement, we must build a revolutionary culture. A culture that not only programs our minds out of oppression, but at the same time impels us against the enemy classes and culture. The BLA contribution in building such a culture will be to strive to create an armed tradition of resistance to our oppression, and to create a socio-psychological frame of mind on both oppressed and oppressor alike, that will lead to our eventual self-determination as a people.”
—Coordinating Committee of the Black Liberation Army, ‘Message to the Black Movement’
@NoFlexZone i can't write a detail response on why the're not comrades, but here's a start (from a far from perfect publication)
then to complete see the ‘far-right currents in nonwhite nationalisms’ sub-section (this page has much better resources)
it's my birthday month! 🎂
please consider making one-time or monthly donations, https://ko-fi.com/al_ks 💰
or buying me a book! https://amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3AB68CR7ZW9KL 💝
i still have no income 😣
please consider making one-time or monthly donations 🙏
anything helps! 💝
https://ko-fi.com/al_ks ☕
"Message to the Grass Roots" is a public speech delivered by black civil rights activist Malcolm X. The speech was delivered on November 10, 1963, at the Northern Negro Grass Roots Leadership Conference, which was held at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan.
📄 Malcolm X – Message to the Grassroots
🎧 ‘Malcolm X's Powerful Message to the Grassroots: Unveiling the House Negro and Field Negro Divide’
Here are some excerpts:
“First, what is a revolution? Sometimes I’m inclined to believe that many of our people are using this word "revolution" loosely, without taking careful consideration [of] what this word actually means, and what its historic characteristics are. When you study the historic nature of revolutions, the motive of a revolution, the objective of a revolution, and the result of a revolution, and the methods used in a revolution, you may change words. You may devise another program. You may change your goal and you may change your mind.
Look at the American Revolution in 1776. That revolution was for what? For land. Why did they want land? Independence. How was it carried out? Bloodshed. Number one, it was based on land, the basis of independence. And the only way they could get it was bloodshed. The French Revolution —what was it based on? The land—less against the landlord. What was it for? Land. How did they get it? Bloodshed. Was no love lost; was no compromise; was no negotiation. I’m telling you, you don’t know what a revolution is. ’Cause when you find out what it is, you’ll get back in the alley; you’ll get out of the way. The Russian Revolution — what was it based on? Land. The land—less against the landlord. How did they bring it about? Bloodshed. You haven’t got a revolution that doesn’t involve bloodshed. And you’re afraid to bleed. I said, you’re afraid to bleed.”
“Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research. And when you see that you’ve got problems, all you have to do is examine the historic method used all over the world by others who have problems similar to yours. And once you see how they got theirs straight, then you know how you can get yours straight. There’s been a revolution, a black revolution, going on in Africa. In Kenya, the Mau Mau were revolutionaries; they were the ones who made the word "Uhuru." They were the ones who brought it to the fore.The Mau Mau, they were revolutionaries. They believed in scorched earth. They knocked everything aside that got in their way, and their revolution also was based on land, a desire for land. In Algeria, the northern part of Africa, a revolution took place. The Algerians were revolutionists; they wanted land. France offered to let them be integrated into France. They told France: to hell with France. They wanted some land, not some France. And they engaged in a bloody battle.”
“When you want a nation, that’s called nationalism. When the white man became involved in a revolution in this country against England, what was it for? He wanted this land so he could set up another white nation. That’s white nationalism. The American Revolution was white nationalism. The French Revolution was white nationalism. The Russian Revolution too — yes, it was — white nationalism. You don’t think so? Why you think Khrushchev and Mao can’t get their heads together? White nationalism. All the revolutions that’s going on in Asia and Africa today are based on what? Black nationalism. A revolutionary is a black nationalist. He wants a nation. I was reading some beautiful words by Reverend Cleage, pointing out why he couldn’t get together with someone else here in the city because all of them were afraid of being identified with black nationalism. If you’re afraid of black nationalism, you’re afraid of revolution. And if you love revolution, you love black nationalism.
To understand this, you have to go back to what [the] young brother here referred to as the house Negro and the field Negro — back during slavery. There was two kinds of slaves. There was the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes — they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good ’cause they ate his food — what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near the master; and they loved their master more than the master loved himself. They would give their life to save the master’s house quicker than the master would. The house Negro, if the master said, "We got a good house here," the house Negro would say, "Yeah, we got a good house here." Whenever the master said "we," he said "we." That’s how you can tell a house Negro.”
“When the house caught on fire, he didn’t try and put it out; that field Negro prayed for a wind, for a breeze. When the master got sick, the field Negro prayed that he’d die. If someone come to the field Negro and said, "Let’s separate, let’s run," he didn’t say "Where we going?" He’d say, "Any place is better than here." You’ve got field Negroes in America today. I’m a field Negro. The masses are the field Negroes.”
May 19th is el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz's (but also Ho Chi Minh's) birthday 🎂
Right on, Happy Malcolm X Day! ✊
🎶You know they murdered X and tried to blame it on Islam🎶 because he was a talented organizer, dedicated to his people, driven by the conviction that they had the capacity to change the world.
His political development was brutally stopped, yet his impact is still felt, and we can all learn from his life.
So take some time to leaf through his work 📚
or listen to some of his speeches 💽
some reactionaries are just not content with a “lower phase fascism” of conservative reform and low-intensity genocide
let's not succumb to liberalism by indulging in personal attack and please consider these various contributions in the framework of unity-criticism-unity. comrades, we're attempting to positively critique your
@DoesntExist @AnarchoNinaWrites reminder that amerikans were indifferent to the murder of Black students at jackson state which happened 11 days after kent state.
anecdotally, pigs there were accompanied by *a fucking tank*; this very same armored vehicle was used a year later in a gun battle at the PG-RNA headquarters that ended with the death of a pig and the arrest of the RNA11.
i've had zero income for over 6 months and exhausted my savings.
anything helps https://ko-fi.com/al_ks 💖
it's a fact
(and if it isn't, make it so)
In the early morning hours of January 13, we took action in solidarity with those arrested in Toronto on November 23, 2023. Toronto police spent hundreds of thousands of dollars breaking into homes, handcuffing seniors, ransacking belongings and terrorizing families. Parents have been handcuffed in front of their children. Upon returning home, one person found her door broken and a patio chair thrown into the front yard. Members of another family were ordered not to speak in their mother tongue. The arrestees allegedly carried out the ordinary act of putting up posters on an Indigo bookshop and splashing paint on its facade. This action was aimed at Indigo's founder and CEO, Heather Reisman, who redirects Indigo's profits to the HESEG foundation, which offers educational scholarships to individuals emigrating to Israel to enroll in the IDF, thus supporting and encouraging international recruitment for the Israeli army. In order to punish the arrested activists more severely, to terrorize other activists committed to the movement in solidarity with the Palestinians, and to legitimize their persecution, the police encouraged a media narrative describing the action as crimes motivated by anti-Semitic hatred. The cruelty of these arrests and searches illustrates that if the police were truly interested in preventing hate attacks, its members simply wouldn't have gone to work.
The police can't protect genocide's accomplices everywhere or all the time. We used a fire extinguisher filled with red paint to redecorate the interior of the Indigo store in downtown Montreal, after smashing the windows. No arrests were made.
We acted to show that there is a movement that will not tolerate shameless political persecution. We want to draw attention to the people arrested in Toronto, so that they are not forgotten. The police, as well as capitalists like Heather Reitman, must not be allowed to freely terrorize those who express their resistance. Clearly, the law does not make us safe, and we must be the agents of our own justice.
Many of you have reached out about Talon, asking if we knew why it was down. Well, we can confirm Talon Conspiracy is back online!
Talon Conspiracy is an incredible website that has over the years archived magazines, zines, leaflets and periodicals of the earth and animal liberation struggles.
From a collection of Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group magazines to obscure one-off publications, the website is a treasure chest of historical information and is without a doubt worth spending weeks looking around!
Those pieces of history don’t just inform us of how campaigns used to be run, or what tactics, strategies and discussions the movement has seen over the years (you’d be surprised about how much conversation there has been about racism and transphobia in the movement over the past decades!) But it also is a good research point for current campaigns.
Many of the places that once were the target of activism still stand, and names and addresses can be found within all those magazines.
As far as we can tell, the Talon Conspiracy is going to be rebranded as “archive of animal and earth liberation publications”, we will let you know when that has happened, but for now enjoy all the reading material you could ever desire!
Thank you to those who out of love for the movement worked so tirelessly to create this archive, and thank you to those who are now maintaining it!
We are approaching the second anniversary of the russian empire’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of dead have been sacrificed to the idea of a “russian world” trying to restore Moscow’s military and political power in Eastern Europe. Hopes for Russia’s imminent defeat and the collapse of the empire are now rare among activists both in Ukraine itself and in other parts of the world. On the one hand Putin’s economic and political allies have aided the Kremlin’s war machine in keeping the war going. On the other hand, growing calls for a ceasefire from all sides (including from left-wing perspectives), have only increased pressure on political elites interested in Russia’s defeat in Ukraine, and thus undermined further military support for Ukrainians from the West in resisting the invasion.
This year we have clearly seen that neither Western countries nor the russian liberal opposition are interested in the collapse of the russian empire. The risks associated with such a scenario outweigh any possibility of ending the war and freeing both Russians themselves and people in Russian-occupied territories. Obviously, there is also a need for a new revolutionary movement inside Russia, capable of breaking the political power of Moscow and rekindling the ideas of freedom and equality in the hearts of the ordinary population.
We do not expect the war in Ukraine to end in 2024. And even in the event of a truce between the Ukrainian state and the russian empire, we know that the war in the region will continue for a long time. The machine of imperial militarism that has been started will not be stopped anytime soon.
In this atmosphere, we believe it is critical to continue to support our comrades in Ukraine who are resisting russian imperialism with weapons or volunteer work. We call on all anarchists who consider the collapse of empires an important factor in the revolutionary struggle to join the February 24 demonstrations in your region and express group solidarity not only with anarchists, but all those who have taken up arms to fight for freedom and equality against the Kremlin dictatorship. To express solidarity not with the Ukrainian state, but with the peoples of Ukraine who have shown in deed what resistance means. And can there be a better flag for such solidarity than the black flag?
See you on the streets of Berlin, Warsaw and other cities!
i really need to secure 100€ for my yearly subscription to a postal box, payment which must be due by the end of this month
thanks for your help! 💌
It should have occurred to you that my todon.eu account has been suspended. This toot will explain the situation and how you can help.
So to quote their notice of suspension fully,
“You can no longer use your account, and your profile and other data are no longer accessible. You can still login to request a backup of your data until the data is fully removed in about 30 days, but we will retain some basic data to prevent you from evading the suspension.
This is about a post on ni.hil.ist (https://ni.hil.ist/@alks/111573806543486144) you posted before on todon.eu and was deleted. You also had a warning and a few times after that, also because of glorification of violence. What you post on ni.hil.ist is not our concern, although I reported that post to the moderators of ni.hil.ist. Still it's their decision what to do with it.
This is not ACAB, this is feasting on the dead corpses of cops (that are also people, bastard people, but still people). In the video cops are killed, so it's a kind of snuff video. There is even footage that terrorists are killing (probably, cause no uniforms) police.
What you post on other servers is your concern, but we don't want to have anything to with it. We will therefore suspend you on todon.eu and wish you good luck finding a place that accepts your posts (maybe you already did).
Reason: Content violates the following community guidelines
· We do not accept glorification of violence, calls for murder, death threats, terrorism and militarism.”
Now, to quote my appeal fully,
“I did not post this on todon.eu, I posted another one from the same archive.org account which lasted 7 hours and that you *did not*, in fact, deleted. You even said in our private conversation about ‘i thought this was amerika’ which **linked** the post you are talking about "moderators job is nuanced you see" in response to me pointing the absurdity of deleting my “Kill a cop, save lives.” post. You are contradicting yourself. I demand my account be reinstated immediately.“
My appeal has been rejected.
The two videos in question actually display the same content, the one i posted on todon is just longer [https://archive.org/details/copsgettingfuckedupcompilation]. And to precise, their statement saying "moderators job is nuanced" was in response to me specifically pointing out to this toot linking to the ‘Cops Getting Fucked Up’ video, in essence meaning "Why did you delete ‘Kill a cop, save lives.’ and not the toot linking to the videos where cops are literally getting killed". As they did not, in fact, delete that toot they are claim they deleted and content for which my account on todon.eu has been suspended, because their job is “nuanced, you see”.
The posts that were flagged for glorification of violence are the one stating “Kill a cop, save lives.” as I said. The others were actually copied at the back of a zine which you can find here https://north-shore.info/2023/11/09/zine-no-more-colonial-states/ here https://actforfree.noblogs.org/2023/12/04/zine-no-more-colonial-states/ or even here https://www.sproutdistro.com/2023/12/03/november-zines-1223/.
Granted, a mastodon instance does not have the same standard as counter-info site or online distros.
I frankly don’t remember which notice flagged which toot but essentially the exchange went like:
“Some of your posts have been found to violate one or more community guidelines and have been subsequently removed by the moderators of todon.eu.
Sabotage, boycotting, all okay, but no explicit call for violence. This is not the first time you are in this situation, so remember not to this again.”
to which I pointed out a toot which said the exact same thing, thereby reporting myself.
“Some of your posts have been found to violate one or more community guidelines and have been subsequently removed by the moderators of todon.eu.
As I told you before, we rely on other users reports, so we don't surveillance your posts 24x7. But thank you for reporting yourself.
Again, it's about the call for violence (burn, destroy). Especially the call to burn and destroy Israeli embassies is problematic, because that can give us legal problems. So try the BDS thing again, but without the burn and destroy part.”
To which I responded “Palestinians are being genocided on a unprecedented scale. You good German! 🖕” and received a warning for insult.
Again, this is all in response to the #BurnDestroySabotage text with the list of potential targets mentioned above.
I quit todon.eu because I felt like I was self-censoring, but also to avoid my work being unilaterally censored on that platform if I slipped again. Yet out of complete disrespect for my work, it was removed nonetheless. And I was still using my account on todon.eu to refer back to the work I made on there before they suspended my account.
Those who have been following me know that when I reported this back in October, I said something like “don’t give the admins shit, they got enough of it already.”
Well, now you can give them shit: contact todon.eu's admin and demand that
1) My account be reinstated
2) They apologize for this unjust action
3) They pledge not to reiterate something like this again
Be polite, but direct. You can just link this toot if you want to.
Anyway, thanks for those who will consider helping.
RE/MAX Israel operates a licensed RE/MAX office in the Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Adumim in occupied Palestinian territory. The settlements are located on stolen Palestinian land and are in violation of international law, according to Human Rights Watch.
RE/MAX is the largest real estate brokerage network in Israel. RE/MAX Holdings Inc is the parent company of RE/MAX LLC, a U.S. multinational real estate franchise corporation headquartered in Denver, Colorado. RE/MAX Israel, operating since 1995, encompasses around 100 branches throughout Israel with over 1000 associates.
RE/MAX Israel's offices sell and rent real estate in major West Bank settlements including: Geva Binyamin, Beit Arye, Giva'at Ze'ev, Oranit, Salit, Sha'arei Tikva and others.
In occupied East Jerusalem, RE/MAX markets and rents properties in the settlement neighborhoods of Gilo, Har Homa, Ramot and The French Hill.
RE/MAX Israel is a franchise of the larger RE/MAX, LLC. RE/MAX Israel pays a series of flat and recurring fees as well as a percentage of their sales revenue to their RE/MAX parent company.
Sources about RE/MAX's complicity in the Israeli occupation: https://investigate.afsc.org/company/remax-hidgs https://whoprofits.org/companies/company/3648?remax-israel-impact-property-developers https://theintercept.com/2016/02/11/why-is-remax-selling-properties-in-illegal-israeli-settlements
check the article to read about the related action: https://pugetsoundanarchists.org/olympia-re-max-profits-from-israeli-apartheid/
You can now use Venmo to donate to Freedom Archives' work @freedomarchives
My profile picture is a 1869 painting by Gérôme depicting a Black Bashi-Bazouk. They're wearing a tall and colorful turban as well as an exquisite silk tunic. In a three-quarter back-view, the subject looks towards the viewer in a dignified stance. A musket rests on their shoulder.The header image is a seventeenth century still-life apparently from the Dutch painter Jan Davidsz De Heem, mainly comprising piles of well-used books. It signals the vanity of scholarly life.
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