Also, no I will not join your research project looking at how #LargeLanguageModels and #GenerativeAI can help solve climate change. There is no possible world in which that makes any sense.
In two months time, there's a total eclipse across N. America. The path of the total eclipse will... (checks notes) ...miss Toronto by about 10km. It goes straight up Lake Ontario, so I can't even just head out to the suburbs!
@Brendanjones The key thing is to avoid binary language. Saying the 1.5C goal is implausible, or we will certainly breach it, or cross it (or whatever) all sounds like we have (or we will) "cross a line". It sounds like game over, we lost. Think about how crossing the line in sports is equated with winning or losing.
Terms like "overshoot" imply a quantity to be managed, rather than a final state, especially if immediately followed by language that frames it that way.
@Brendanjones But getting the language right is tricky. If you just say we’re certain to breach the 1.5 limit, people (outside the climate science community) tend to hear “game over”, which feeds into doomerism.
I prefer to say there is now no doubt we will overshoot the 1.5 limit, so we need to focus on minimizing the overshoot. Every fraction of a degree will bring more irreversible damage.
For my #CHI colleagues: Surely you understand we live in a climate emergency? So how come you're having a discussion about changing the format of your (massive) annual conference without once mentioning its #CarbonFootprint?
We desperately need to stop flying academics around the world at the drop of a hat. Some of your options would help, but to remain silent on this is truly bizarre.
It's 2023. Climate Change should factor into *every* operational decision.
"Devoting the most valuable real estate in the world to the parked car [is] an absolutely insane thing to do. Why on earth should wealthy car owners be entitled to unlimited free use of taxpayer funded space to store their personal property?" #WarOnCars
The term "natural gas" is pure #greenwashing. Let's start calling it what it is: #methane gas. Or, use it's full name: "the powerful greenhouse gas methane"
Anyone who boasts about their “net-zero by 2050” plan, but can’t say what they are doing to make steep emissions cuts *this year* is selling you a steaming pile of bullshit #ClimateChange#EmissionsCuts#NetZero
@emilymbender To be fair, some climate scientists think "just stop burning carbon" *is* the solution. Like "just stop training the models (for six months)"
Director, School of the Environment, University of Toronto. Professor of Computer Science. I study how climate models are built & tested + systems thinking for sustainability. New book, Computing the Climate, order it here: #Sustainability #Environment #Resilience #STS #Transdisciplinarity #Community #Complexity #SystemsThinking #ClimateJustice #LandBack #Feminism #TransRights #Ecology #Computing #ML #Models #ClimateData#fedi22