Oh goodness, it's maybe originally Napoleon, but it's also recently a quote taken up by self-described Nazi and convicted 2011 Norwegian terrorist and mass murderer Anders Breivik. 😱 Some great company Trump is keeping!
I grew these beans last summer. Times like these, it feels good to have done something with my own hands, and to have stored it up for winter cold. These beans are Vermont cranberry, black coat, hibiscus, soldier beans, pink-eyed beans, scarlet runner, black turtle, and other varieties. #gardening#garden#food
Hey, @pluralistic , have you seen this blog post? I'm reading it for the 2nd time today. Wondered what your thoughts are, and if you haven't read it yet, I bet you'd be interested, re anti-intellectualism and class warfare and history and a whole bunch of stuff up your alley...
A good crowd of solidarity for the rally and the picketing! Yay! I found a few classmates (one pictured), several professors I've had class with, and 3 of my elected officials (Erica, Ben, Willie)! #Tufts#tuftsuniversity#union#protest#picketing#maskup
Fun fact! Tufts professors are paid so low lately, on average, that they qualify for subsidized housing and food assistance. FULL-TIME FACULTY ARE PAID LOWER THAN 80% AMI AND CAN'T AFFORD TO LIVE HERE.
Getting ready for my first protest in a while -- gotta make some signs to support the Tufts union professors who will be picketing in the morning! Nothing says love like the smell of sharpies at midnight!!
This piece made me feel seen. I haven't eaten indoors anyplace other than my own home since March 9, 2020. I miss being part of public life without being the only person wearing a mask. 😞
You know who are awesome? Librarians. I put in a request 5 weeks ago to see if we can get a scanned copy of a library book so that I can run it through text-to-speech software and read it for a paper I'm writing. Accessibility, right? My wrists hurt (a lot), and this helps.
The librarians got pushback from the publisher on scanning 4 chapters b/c that's more than 20% of the book. Potential violation of copyright. Needed for access.
While researching a thing I'm writing, I found this 2019 psych study on how debt relief improves cognitive function for poor people by 1/4 of a standard deviation. That is a LOT.
I'm not Perpetually Online the way that I used to be, for some positive reasons and some less fun ones, but I do love and appreciate dipping into the Fediverse every time I do so. Thanks, y'all, for being here. #fedi
I post about science fiction, my garden, mutual aid, equity, inclusion, local politics, climate change, pronouns, food, folk music, friends, and ... whatever else is of interest to me. I used to travel a LOT -- seeing new places, meeting new people, talking with old friends. Now I stay home, but at least my spouse and cats are here, too. 💜 #Somerville #MutualAid #SciFi #CovidCautious