@meejah@lightweight@Salty@jdmcg all this is true. You've no argument from me that providing FOSS first is the right way. Also, the *schools* should be paying for software they require students to use.
Just as most of the world uses Windows and Office, Adobe tools have become the standard in art and design and they're what universities will teach with and what employers will expect skills in.
I'm with you that we *should* be choosing FOSS; don't get me wrong. But a bunch of industries have ended up with particular corporate toolsets and holding our breath until we go red is likely not useful. It's pushing shit uphill with a pointy stick.
See also ProTools for music, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro and Da Vinci in cinema/TV, AutoDesk stuff in architecture, etc.
We should continue to advocate for FOSS, but also accept that there are some standard toolsets that have established themselves, even if we know there are (better) choices. Shouting (metaphorically speaking) “you should use Linux on the desktop and Libre Office” expresses a kind of belligerence FOSS advocates have become a little infamous for (and I have been particularly guilty of at times).
@evan@stufromoz noting there should *always* be text for accessibility reasons, I'm a fan of the conceit where the piece starts in the writer's voice and from their perspective and then fades across to the perspective and voice of the reader.
Not in every case, but where it works, it's effective. I've seen it again recently, but can't remember what I was watching.
Some time ago, I backed Bird Buddy on Kickstarter. It's an automated bird feeder with a camera included that's backed by a global database that recognises the birds that visit. Over the weekend I placed mine on our back deck and a satin bowerbird and a common bronzewing both figured out what's going on. Soon enough, I hope the crimson rosellas and the various other birds we get figure it out as well. #BirdBuddy#BushLife#BirdsOfMastodon#birb
@danhon that's a goddamn legit question and one of the reasons why design as an industry needs to come up with an ethical standard to be accountable to. Naturally, this leads to all those accreditation and professional standards wars - who accredits, how, why, what counts as accreditable, who enforces the standards, etc. I used to disagree with accreditation, but increasingly, I'm for it (though I don't have an answer to all the questions by any means).
Runs a sustainably-managed, dog-friendly B&B on 100 acres in the hills of the Bega Valley and works at a large dairy farm. Retired from 20+ years of working in design of user experience, services, and organisations. Outdoorsman. Bowhunter. Gamer. Green. Husband. (grand)Dad . RFS firefighter. 🐈and 🐕 dad. Lives in Djiringanj Yuin country. He/him.