when a tech bro with too much money to avoid sycophants says a bunch of superficial, insightless and even outright confused gender stuff, I think it's silly and nonsensical to assume that he's being clever and business-smart and that he's just pandering to a puerile audience and that he doesn't actually believe all the weird stuff that he's saying.
they're not that clever about gender. they're too busy being successful at capitalism and kyriarchy to think about stuff that actually means something to anyone.
the world would be a better place if rich white guys could be listened to and taken at face value, and thoroughly ignored whenever appropriate.
please remember that "facebook" is the name of a website where male students could rate the faces of female students. the inceldom has been right there in plain sight right in front of us all the time. the level of clever in calling a parent company "meta" is not adult.
these people are not actually good at anything worthwhile. they're just high-functioning bullies.