really hate how "white transfems" has become a dog whistle at this point. it's really sinister when the misgendering becomes implicitly encoded like that
But there's a third reason why fascists love transphobia. Fascism wants to declare martial law and end democracy. But you usually can't just do that without a threat. And most threats go away when you fight them, because they're actions. People who do the actions will either be eliminated or go into hiding if put under enough pressure, and then the escalation of violent power doesn't have a reason to continue.
What doesn't go away is people. Racism works for this, because you can't just stop being who you are. It's not the best target though, because ethnic or racial minorities usually have a community with some strength. And once you get rid of an ethnic minority, it's not going to magically repopulate.
So trans people are easier targets. It is much easier to lie about such a tiny and heavily misunderstood minority, especially when it's so dispersed geographically, making us quite isolated in comparison.
And we won't go away. Unlike racial minorities, if you eliminate all of us, new trans people will take our place, because we're already there. Lots of cis people just haven't realised yet that they aren't actually cis, and many inevitably will, because living in denial is painful. And as if that wasn't enough, we're part of every generation born, all around the planet, everywhere.
Trans people, and further down the line all gender nonconforming people, are the "threat" that just won't go away, no matter how much violence is used. And that's what fascism needs to escalate the violence until they can declare martial law.
So the fascists actually need us. And you might think that getting rid of us would solve the problem. It's tempting if you're scared and cis and saw all the propaganda, I'm quite sure of it, because as any trans person can confirm: In social media there are droves of people who already went down that path. They are the proof of what I'm telling you now. The proof is that it is already happening.
And if you try, you are really just doing the same thing as they are: Escalating the level of violence because of a small minority that will never disappear, until you eventually reach the point where you must declare martial law to keep it up.
So if you try to stop the fascists by removing us from the equation, what you're actually doing is falling in line with the rest of them.
I also mentioned how it's beneficial to them to stigmatise the voices of trans (and gay) and neurodivergent people: An important way of controlling people is to make unwanted thoughts too uncomfortable to think, which can be done by association to stigma.
But trans and ND people are often sufficiently different in how we perceive stigma that it doesn't work on us. And were not actually less rational than anyone else. So our voices must be associated with enough stigma that nobody will listen when we happen to say one of the uncomfortable thoughts out loud.
one of the "Drinking" options on tinder is "Sober curious" and I can't help but think that if someone is curious to see what being sober feels like then they probably really should
that I am trans doesn't mean I used to be a man. it doesn't mean I used to live like a man, or even that I'm transitioning, have transitioned or will transition.
it means that my life and the person I have become because if it was shaped by other people constantly treating me like someone else, like someone who isn't much like me at all.
it means that I was raised to believe that the person everyone sees me as must be who I am, even though it's not. it means a comprehensive socialisation to the subjugation of identity.
it means that the whole world was always making it very clear that being the person I really am, rather than the one others see and treat me like, is wrong and disgusting and worthy of blame.
so in still being here to tell you I am trans, I'm actually telling you that for my whole life, the whole world was always gaslighting me—but I survived and won.
being a trans woman means that I am a woman stronger than the world.
Trans people are the inextinguishable carriers of a heritage as old and rich as humanity itself. We have been born into every generation, everywhere on Earth.
Those who fight us are fighting human nature. They are fighting against what is within themselves, and that is why they will always lose. All they can achieve is pain.
We are reborn from their own wombs. We are them. They will never win, no matter how much violence and death they bring. They are our mothers and our fathers, and we are the life that will always blossom from their dead bodies.
We are the life that existed long before all of their gods, and we will still remain long after they are gone.
We are humanity. All they can achieve is pain. And a fight for nothing but more pain to exist in the world—I cannot think of anything else so close to pure evil.
Changeling baby emerita and single mum to a preschooler. Neuroqueer relationship anarchist but being really weird about it.💖🐈⬛✨🐁🌑Avatar: Woman with curly dark hair looking at the horizon in the soft light of the setting summer sun.Header: Yellow early autumn sunset hovering a meadow where the älves pool to dance.🍄🍃🦔🍂🍁🎑