This video talks about the principles of beautiful figures for research papers.
One of the main problems is publishing figures in raster form (e.g. as PNG, JPEG files), which leads to their poor quality. Fortunately, #LabPlot makes it easy to export high-quality figures in scalable vector form (#SVG, #PDF).
Do you know what your cost savings are from using Open Source Software (#OSS) ❓
▶️ Harvard Business School has estimated in a recent paper that the value of OSS to the economy is 4.15 Billion USD. Firms would need to spend 3.5 times more on software than they currently do if OSS did not exist. Apparently, OSS appears in 96% of codebases, and some commercial software consists of up to 99.9% OSS.
LabPlot is a FREE, open source and cross-platform data visualization and analysis software accessible to everyone and trusted by professionals.• High-quality interactive plotting• Reliable and easy data analysis, statistics, regression, curve and peak fitting• Computing with interactive Notebooks (Python R Julia Octave and more)• Data extraction from plots and support for real-time data• Smooth data import and export (many file formats)• Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku, GNU