@inthehands The only fly in the ointment here is that Trump has ensured that there is no successor. There is no number two. I believe he has publicly expressed this. After Jim Jones left the earth, his entire movement collapsed
@ErickaSimone@inthehands@singedgoose Most bullies aren’t built like that. They derive their power from others just giving it to them with no resistance
@ErickaSimone@inthehands@singedgoose Reminds me of the nazi that got pressed and immediately put up his hands as if to say “Come on bro, lets not be hasty”, and proceeded to get knocked tf out
Seems to me that saying these billionaires are “bending the knee” makes it seem as if these billionaires are just hapless rich people doing what they have to do to survive, rather than realizing this is who they actually are. They are making a deliberate choice to participate and partner with Trump knowing full well what he intends to do.
From Musk to Tim Apple, Zuckerberg ,Sundar Pichai, Benioff, etc can all get fucked.
1/ I've been thinking quite a bit on how Harris had an almost 20% drop in engagement (compared to Biden) during a historic turnout election where Trump basically had the same numbers in 2024 as he did in 2020.
If you are going to cheat, the way to do it is not the tabulators, but in the reporting system. Long time ago I worked as a programmer for an election counting firm. At this firm, the Secretary of State certified the election based solely off the reports generated by our system.
I’m so fucking mad right now. A black woman was almost turned away because she thought she registered to vote through a third party. Turns out that third party took her information and didn’t send it off to be registered (I think it’s a scam anyway).
I called the election commission and walked her through voting provisionally. She was reluctant as there is a bit of paperwork and she has somewhere to be. I pulled her aside and looked her dead in her eyes and said “I really want you to vote”
1/ Just about every villian arc starts with the villain becoming completely corrupted because they knew they were doing bad things but for “good” and “necessary” reasons.
The Supreme Court is giving Trump unlimited power and I have a few thoughts on this.
1. How is their power to give?
To be able to give unlimited power, one must have it. And that poses questions about judicial power in a way that is incompatible with our (US) system of government
2/ The US revolution was basically predicated on two things:
1. No taxation without representation (something about Tea exports being taxed, but importing Tea from East India Company wasn’t)
2. Not being lorded over by a King ( see 1)
This ruling by the the Supreme Court flies in the face of this.
Even though the Magna Carter of 1215 was a document establishing rights of Barons (thus making the King somewhat accountable), it got the ball rolling against the “divine right of kings”
3/ With the Supreme Court saying in one hand, the president has “presumptive" immunity for “official" acts and in the other providing no test or definition of what an official act is, coupled with one cannot use an act of the president as evidence of a crime, this circular logic effectively creates a position that has no legal accountability.
And if congress thinks they can impeach and convict, then they are mistaken. First of all, to impeach you will need to gather evidence
4/ It becomes quite hard to gather evidence of the crime when the President can just issue blanket pardons to those with knowledge in his or her administration.
If congress goes ahead with impeachment, then the President can just go to SCOTUS and say: “Congress can't impeach a president without evidence” thereby nullifying the only check the legislative branch has on the executive.
5/ The president can essentially have his own goon squad with the military and can deploy them domestically. And to resolve the issue of them being held accountable for any crimes they might commit, here comes another blanket pardon to ease their minds.
In short, this is so fucked in some may ways, that I'm having a hard time grasping the scope
6/ Back to Biden and villain arcs, as we get closer to election day, you might start to hear more questions of Biden about what he is prepared to do if Trump is really the threat to the republic that he and the democrats says he is. This reminds me of the scene where Nick Fury asked Thor that very question.
As soon as you go down that path, Biden would be functionally no different than Trump aspires to be. But it would be for the greater good, he could argue
7/7 Basically this ruling from the Supreme Court is a trap. If Biden doesn’t do **all** he can to protect the nation from threats foreign and domestic, then one can say he isn't fit for office.
On the other hand, if he imprisons Trump or” Seal Team 6s” him, then what's to stop him from doing it again and again and seeing threats everywhere. All in the name of National Security?
Biden's villain arc would be complete. It is just a matter of time.
Instead of addressing why the students are protesting, the government does what it always does. The beatings will stop when morale improves.
You can “live long enough to become the villain”. The people sending in the police are probably the same hippies that were protesting war in the 60s and 70s