@hugo alternatives? tried Fairphones long ago but they seemed tied into Google/Andriod & I'm not a tech wonk enough to install Linux etc. Just want it to work otu of the box like Signal messenger app.
“After a ‘land acknowledgement’ at our school this year, I took one of my students' water bottles and walked to the front of the class.
I then acknowledged that it was their water bottle and in the spirit of reconciliation, I felt it important to acknowledge that it was theirs as that would help heal 'all of us' for my behaviour. I then placed it on my desk.
They looked at me and I asked them what was wrong. They told me they wanted their water bottle back.”
it's not a museum, it's a hive. the blood may be fake, but the bleeding's not. freeing my ass & remaining high beyond reproach…raised on stolen anishinaabe land. no cops, no jails, no linear fucking time. jive oracle frolicking & frohlocken. vuurtorenwachter trying for gwayakwaadiziwin. heart like a clumsy bell, sharing this thin, threadbare, blanket with you… unfurling... slowly mouthing the grammar of animacy.