@cwebber this is the second time I've seen you express this "tech that doesn't just scale up, it scales down" idea (the first was in your megathread about Bluesky), and I just wanna say that it is such a catchy slogan that really gets at the heart of what we need. Thanks for doing all this brilliant work!
@sam we get some sort of @mayfirst access as part of social.coop membership, right? I recall filling out a form but didn't hear back. (I'm not salty, I just want to check that I'm not confabulating this whole thing before I nudge the good folks.)
@neauoire Code forges are great, but IMO more hackers should post little static "dumb" (Git's word, not mine) repositories—like this one—of the code they like, just to improve our community's resiliency. How much of the knowledge produced during antiquity was only saved because somebody thought a thing that somebody else said was worth copying, and that copy happened to survive when the original didn't?
Union data scientist and working parent. Interested in reproducible research methods (#r13y), #RStats, #JuliaLang, living sustainably (bicycling, walking, reducing, and reusing), being outside, and many nerdy hobbies (#TTRPG, #HamRadio).