I’m not attending FOSDEM so I would like to contribute this galaxy-brain idea for those who are: everyone in the crowd gets into a loud, disruptive conversation about software licensing with the people sitting nearest to them for the duration of Jack Dorsey’s allotted talk. Do not back down or lower your voice. Your software licensing opinions are correct and this is your chance to convince everyone.
I’m kind of bummed out so here’s a photo of a recently finished #crossStitch project, fresh out of the hoop. The prime number on the border is the recently-discovered new largest prime, which is cool in part because it’s possible to write it concisely. I have no idea whether its discoverer is gay, but I think it’s cool and gay and fun to find primes.
I had to frog a lot on this project, so I’m extra happy to have it finished.
i’ve been thinking about a few “projects” as “elaborate jokes” instead, and it’s helped me make better decisions about them and feel less stressed when thinking about them! uh, #lifehack I guess?
Currently available: ASCII table, TCP header diagram, and “be gay / do crimes / copy that floppy”. More to come as I revisit some old designs and whip up new ones, so check back if you like the vibes!
Also, if you like a design but want a different font or color palette, get in touch! Most changes like that are easy to accommodate.
I thought I’d try a version of the progress pride flag with the intersex addition to the chevron. I don’t think it quite reads as “circle”, but I think I’d have had to make this bigger to do much better 🤔
middle-aged cis lesbian (fuck off TERFs), cross-stitcher, trash-picker, ancient earth’s most foolish programmer. professionally, swears at the computers at the science factory.