@inthehands I might save it for next week, then; Sunday night is our PBS night (we have Passport, but save it for Sunday nights). That way we could also do a consecutive-night double feature. O, for the days of our youth, when we’d rent two movies on a Saturday night and not even START watching until 8:00. 🤣
Every so often, while looking for gardening info, I accidentally hit on a website I worked on in 1998, and IT HAS NOT CHANGED. World-class botanical research org, still rocking that 1998 web design and a text-as-a-graphic logo. Wow. Just... wow.
Deleting your Facebook account is the privilege of those who don’t have kids in school, and don’t have to communicate with groups of people over 40. Instead, maybe we should be working with schools (pre-K through 16) and community organizations to help them find an effective mass communication platform that isn’t run by the worst people on the planet.
My kid and I were texting during the debate & I just thought about how weird it would have been, 40 years ago, for me (or most of my friends) to even be watching a debate, let alone chatting about it with a parent on a long-distance phone call (the 1984 version of texting).
I went out of my way today to stay out of the heat and sun, and somehow ended up first standing outside waiting for a Lyft back to campus after being more or less abandoned by my ride, and then having a stupid fire drill. 🥵
@inthehands It was terrifying. We were in a closet under the stairs and it was like nothing I’ve ever heard. I’ve heard the “freight train” sound they talk about, but this was a whole other level.
@inthehands We have several different ones on Oklahoma: flood, tornado, high winds, and I think wildfire. You can’t distinguish among them when the wind is howling--last year when we had 80-100mph winds we couldn’t even hear the siren, which is less than a block away.
@inthehands That's a thing I've never understood. Every time I hear his voice I want to throw things. He's always whiny, affronted, defensive... he has the voice of the worst employee you've ever had, the one who sneaks off to take naps on work time and then complains to all the guys he's somehow conned into thinking he's a big shot that it's your fault he has to stealth-nap, because you don't give him enough nap breaks. I quit listening to NPR from 2017-2020 so I wouldn't have to hear him.
I didn't think Biden should have been pushed into dropping out *after the primaries*. That said, I would be very happy to have Kamala Harris as the nominee. She was my first choice in 2020 (she dropped out pretty early, iirc). I would love for the new face of the Democratic party and the United States to be a young (relatively; she's older than me by a couple of years) Black woman. And... that's all I have to say about it. 👋
@br00t4c If it was truly anti-woke, wouldn’t it just be unfiltered creek water contaminated with E. coli, algae, and heavy metals? They could call it “raw water.”
Books, tech, animals, old stuff. Ex-librarian, ex-editor, current ed tech manager. Keeper of paperbacks (http://mapbackindex.com). You might know me as VintageReader. She/her.