Apropos of nothing, remembering a quote from movie The Big Chill, American spelling. “Don't knock rationalization; where would we be without it? I don't know anyone who could get through the day without two or three juicy rationalizations. They're more important than sex.”
I’m thinking of some Quaker colleagues in the US, how they’d be feeling right now. One was heavily involved in assisting draft resisters in the Vietnam war. Another used to march with Dr Martin Luther King, Jnr, was arrested with him and his supporters, fasted in gaol with him. No way they’re going to take the next 4 years lying down.
Teeny tiny cutting of thyme is doing all right. Watering it every day. Neighbour who is a genius gardener showed me a patch of his garden next to mine. I can plant things there and he will water them. Plans now for parsley seeds.
Design for the new Yamba Drive entrance at The Canberra Hospital Curved area in front I initially thought was roadway but has chairs and tables. (Alt text won’t let me edit)
Doing grocery order. Difficulty locating laundry detergent powder (I don’t buy liquid detergent, don’t want to pay for extra water). Seems like they are moving towards all CAPSULES. No thank you.
Profile pic: birds swimming in the water surrounding the Ouroboros, Canberra. Header: young leaves, eucalyptus. Guest on Ngunnawal/Ngambri land, i.e. Kamberri/Canberra, Australia. Child of the 60’s, interested in variety of eclectic music. Not great photographer but appreciate variety of posts, particularly moss, trees, nature. Ally. She/her. No pets but love cats.