@BeAware true, but when you upload the images here, they are not subject to licensing by Mastodon.
When you upload images to Facebook, you're giving them a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use your content. ๐ธ You still own the copyright, but Facebook can use your photos in ads and more.
๐ On #mastodon YOU retain copyright ownership of your uploaded media, unlike on Facebook, where your content can be used more freely. Own your creativity and control how it's shared. Make the switch! #Mastodon#CopyrightFreedom ๐ธ๐ผ๏ธ
In shadows, I quietly observe, unseen and unnoticed.U3RhdHVzOiAjUmV0aXJlZCAjUmVjbHVzZSAjSHVzYmFuZCAjRGlzYWJsZWQgI09ic2Vzc2l2ZSAjQXV0b2RpZGFjdCAjQnJhaW5Jbmp1cnkgI01hcnJpZWQgI1ZhY2NpbmVJbmp1cnkKCkludGVyZXN0czogI0J1c2hjcmFmdCAjSGFja2luZyAjS25pdmVzICNHYXJkZW5pbmcgI0Nvb2tpbmcgI0JlYXV0eSAjQW1ldGh5c3QgI0FsYW5XYXR0cyAjQmVib3AgI1RydXRoICNHYW1pbmcgI1hib3gKCkhhcmQgUGFzczogI1doaXRlU3VwcmVtYWN5ICNMaWFycyAjVXRvcGlhICNHcmVlZCAjUmhldG9yaWMgI1