Found this video yesterday that also has a bit about The 7th Guest. And Gabriel Knight 2. And Harvester. Even though he has harsh words about adventure games in general (and repeats the nauseating "what killed adventure games was..." argument), it's still a great watch.
First video of 2025: A megaspective of The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour. These games get a lot of shit these days, but do they really deserve it? Let's find out!
I've had the pleasure of playtesting this and it is indeed worthy of being called a spiritual successor to Space Quest. Of course I may be somewhat biased... 😏
@MichaelKlamerus She may have said something about it in the past four years she's been working on it, but my attention span is fleeting to say the least. At any rate, she cleverly avoided calling it "King's Quest," but it's still very much a King's Quest game.
Heads up: In 2 hours, my new video will premiere. It... might be slightly controversial. But why not ruin KQ5 with AI, is what I ask? Why not indeed? Come join me in the chat and let's watch together!
Can you recommend me some good POC retro game YouTubers? I would be very interested to see games from my youth — which, let's face it, were not known for their diversity — reviewed through the lens of someone who isn't a pasty white guy with anger issues.
Why? Because if I'm going to make a video on a hot-button topic, I feel I'd better cover my fucking bases.
I am, however, also interested to hear from people who are trans (and are comfortable presenting online as trans) about the subject. DM me or swing me a line at
Serious question: Can anyone recommend someone in academia who does (or has done) reputable research of transgender representation in media?
I'm hoping to get at least 3-4 people who know their shit and ask them about THAT SECTION in Space Quest IV. I'm interested in historical context, analysis of the subtext, and of course a judgment call on a deceptively simple question: Is SQ4 transphobic?
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, have a look through this video: It explains both the Ghostbusters scam game and the current book scam. (And, yes, they ARE scams.)
Not to mention this is also bad for video game preservation. Years from now, the servers meant to handle your account creation will probably cease to be, and the games will be unplayable unless someone cracks them. The shortsightedness of this industry never fails to amaze me.
It figures. Right after I make a video announcement of getting my shit together, life throws a curveball from out of nowhere: Two days ago, my son started complaining (actually, crying) about his teeth hurting. He has cavities already (inb4 speculations: unfortunate genes, not lack of dental care). He's gonna have to have some of his teeth pulled next week. Poor little dude is already missing his two front teeth. 😢
Holy shit. Sluicebox just blew the doors to the Sierra kingdom wide open. This is a game-changer for anyone who's ever tried to poke around in or modify old Sierra SCI games.