I read three #tech articles this morning and they all have something in common. They each illustrate the divide between the old web (where people had choice and control over information and devices) versus the new internet (where discovery is outsourced to algorithms and companies that serve up a continuous carousel of clickable content). It is nice to see people reclaiming their agency and returning to personal curation rather than automated addiction. Links to follow.
"So, no, #AI won’t blow up the world. But the increasingly uncritical embrace of it, in a variety of narrow contexts, means the gradual erosion of some of humans’ most important skills. Algorithms are already undermining people’s capacity to make judgments, enjoy serendipitous encounters and hone critical thinking."
"Telling academics they can achieve career success by using today’s algorithmic-driven platforms is like telling Millennials they could afford to buy a house by eating less avocado on toast. It’s a cruel lie because social media is a shit way to share your work now."
Blinding you with #science (and #music)Avatar: Hazy pic of me covering my eyesHeader: Cloud shaped like a double helixI purge posts periodically. It's not personal#NoArchive #NoBot #NoBridge #NoIndex🎧 Listening to https://m.youtube.com/megdna