@jadin I said ur behaving like a surreal pos for blocking me for having an issue w/ u functionally slobbing on the knob of White Genocide in Eastern Europe, wh/ is an issue I've been especially thinking abt daily for 3 years, for some reason.
@jadin uh, I had replied to Gnoticer Media's post, not even one of urs... and no wonder u don't understand me being pissed off at ppl acting as if Assad was based if you've muted my arguments on the topic... how pathetic to have muted me & seethed at my posts while remaining superficially friendly w/ me & not telling me anything, btw. gee, what issue could I have w/ ppl acting in the interests of an invasion wh/ killed or maimed 1M Whites?! it's a mystery wrapped in an enigma. and ur heinous gutter talk to a fellow Tea Tuneser makes it worse, not better. if u don't want to be deemed a traitor, don't jerk off to enablers of the greatest attack on Whites in generations!
@jadin oh ye, here's me not giving u another chance, for instance: x.com/TheBeingHerald/status/1642385412000710657?t=3asoHL9wQlRNbonbFjC1vA&s=19 and having cancer & ur brain operated on's rough, and having psych issues sucks, but I have some too, as do a great many very online ppl, and it doesn't grant some license to be an asshole to ppl w/ impunity, let alone to ppl one's been friendly w/ for years. quit acting like I showed up & personally attacked you! my initial reply wasn't addressed at you, and didn't even mention you either. I expressed a fundamental disagreement abt a post appearing on my TL cause u RTed it, to wh/ you replied w/ mockery, strawmanning, and calling my posts obnoxious. sorry standing up for ppl getting bombed by Putin for years isn't as light & charming as you'd prefer. plus having a back n forth abt a falling out isn't what spamming means, but if u want me to leave u alone, fine.
@jadin ah, so ur more of career than casual hater & seether, in fact, who was still hiding the top reason y u turned on me till this last post. maybe u'll provide yet another casus belli w/ the next one. ur so quick to insult, yet so slow to be honest. ye, it's true, you got me, I authentically hate knowing stooge accomplices of aggressing anti-White mass murderers, like much of the activist US Right revealed itself to be composed of these past 3 years, discrediting it like little else could've. and the Left being Marxist degens, is that supposed to leave much of the US to respect? what a vile, pathetic jk, to reproach me for hating disgusting race treason & brother war invasions & trying to agitate to oppose them, lol. could've spared me worrying abt your sorry spergy ass for years, had I known u were harboring such petty ill will. and it's not even the first time u freak out on ppl around here. maybe the whole being based thing simply isn't for u.