Newcomers keep coming here. Welcome everyone! Don’t forget, a good transition is a soft transition. Habits needs to be planted, and then grow. Here, no company wants you to develop addiction and click on ads, so there is a discovery time you may want to take to build your Fediverse network! Enjoy this time! Also ask me anything, I am a 7 years old fedi citizen maybe able to help, or find someone who can. #newcomers#fediverse#mastodon#tips
We need a modern, community made dumb phone OS. #KaiOS seemed like a very good idea (HTML based apps, connectivity) but is not maintained anymore. OSs are the building blocks of a new generation of phones for digital detox and slower connectivity and higher battery life.
@yhancik@joachim Futur parent ici, je redoute le moment où je me rendrai compte que créer un compte whatsapp sera inévitable. Je le sens arriver tellement gros !
Today is the day I leave the beautiful collective Velvetyne @velvetyne. After 10 years of “Vagabondages Typographiques Festifs”, many lovely workshops, 2 website versions, 4 exploratory font releases, memorable collaborations, and passionate discussions, I decided to take a step away and make room for fresher dynamics and initiatives. Furthermore, it will allow me to focus on new projects, some I can see on the horizon, others a bit blurrier, but definitively exciting. Velvetyne is not just an art / design collective, it is a bunch of life-changing friendships that I will make sure to keep warm and cherish. Words can’t tell how much I learned and how much I am grateful for those 10 years. I am not sad to leave, those people will continue cooking great stuff together, following that rare recipe of serious fun that can only be the fruit of a healthy, highly creative and super kind group of beautiful humans.
Libre tools editors for pedagogy, collaboration and digital empowerment ✿ @ladigitale ✿ @Framasoft ✿ @latelierdeschercheurs All french, just a coincidence. Support them! Share yours! Considère qui semble être l’instance plus active, maintenue par @kaihuri si j’ai tout bien compris. J’ai en tout cas changé de plateforme il y a quelques semaines, car semblait un peu à la ramasse.
Changing professional address in France requires - a smartphone (I don’t have one) - An app called France Identité, requiring iOS 16.6 or Android 11+, that will digitalize my face and link my devices to it. Or to pay at least 80€ to contact a lawyer so he does that for me.
So the French government wants me to have a very recent smartphone, surfing on planned obsolescence without any web / paper alternative, to scan my face in 3D by installing its app on my device. All that to change a single address line. It makes me sick and, frankly scared.
@timotheegoguely@joachim Il y a quelques années, je tenais une annonce leboncoin « cours et soutien webdesign », hé bien j’avais vraiment l’impression d’être utile (et j’arrondissais les fins de mois)
art, free software, sound, instruments, teaching here and therepart of and #music #netart #art #fediverse ⁂