#Activitypub (which runs #mastodon) has made some very strange design choices. The link and screenshot below explain the most worrying one.
When someone posts something, in your normal client you cannot be sure that you have read all the comments and thoughts of other users, as you only see the comments known to your instance. The same goes for likes and boots. You cannot know how popular something really is.
This has two logical consequences: 1.) You want to join a server that is as big as possible, so that your server knows more other servers and you see more. This leads to few big servers and against #federation. 2.) Mastodon becomes a broadcasting platform where discussions are useless because you don't know if the post hasn't been discussed underneath. This would be great for politicians and businesses, but bad for everyone else.
#Köln möchte die Kosten für das Anwohnerparken ändern. Es waren mal 365€ pro Jahr im Gespräch. Die jetzige Entscheidungsvorlage für den Rat hat eine Staffelung nach Autolänge. Klingt erst mal gut aber das ist so irre, dass man in die Tischplatte beißen möchte.
Kostenunterschied zwischen Smart und mega SUV pro Monat? 1,66€ (120€ statt 100€ pro Jahr).
Uiuiuiui. Da werden sich die SUV-Besitzer sicher noch mal ganz genau überlegen, ob sie sich diese Riesenkarren noch weiter leisten können.