“The trouble with computers is you play with them. They are so wonderful.” — R.P. Feynman, who probably wasn’t even drawing a geometric interpretation of a wave at the time
@wingo@vivia “My predecessor told me that she used to pester the style editor, Hobie Weekes, who had been at the magazine since 1928, to get rid of the diaeresis. She found it fussy. She said that once, in the elevator, he told her he was on the verge of changing that style and would be sending out a memo soon. And then he died.
This was in 1978. No one has had the nerve to raise the subject since.”
@jef@PaniczGodek [Jef! As another prediluvian, I’m glad to see you here.]
After 40 years with it, I regard emacs as a programmable interactive environment for implementing (primarily text) workflows. Using it to edit source code, read email, or manage one’s agenda are just applications of that engine. From this perspective, small editors with emacs keybinds (mg/e/&c) lack the Buddha nature.
Scene: A man, on the 7th morning after heart surgery, rests in bed. He is experiencing obvious pain and sadness. Beside him is his partner, caring for him.
“Are you thirsty?” “Yes, very.” “Then why didn’t you ask me to bring you something to drink?” “I hate myself right now.” “I don’t like to hear that!” “Being weak and dependent is very hard for me.” “But what if the situation was reversed? If I asked for water, what would you do?” Man begins crying. “I would bring you a river.” “See?”
Relatedly, I was talking with a doctor at the German Heart Center this week about how good (well trained, compassionate) the individual doctors and nurses in the German healthcare sector are, but also how terrible all the bureaucracy is. She basically said: “Good people trapped in a bad system? That’s Germany…”
Also: almost all nurses were either Turkish-German or foreign (Swiss German to Brazilian to Ukrainian); head of physical therapy was a gay Italian who spoke German so badly we often used a mix of English and Italian; guy who pushed my wheelchair between parts of the hospital was from Ghana; doctor who did my exit paperwork was a Dos Santos from Argentina.
One question I carried away from this experience: have any of those “Ausländer Raus” AfD types ever been inside a German hospital?
Doug McIlroy — Unix pipes, diff, spellchecking, macro pioneer whose work fed into Hart's impementation of Lisp macros, &c, &c — on driving to MIT from NJ to hear McCarthy give a talk on Lisp in 1959.
@schmudde All respect to him, but I don’t like seeing this BBS claim repeated. Five years earlier (1973) a group of Bay Area radicals created the first BBS in a Berkeley record store:
“One iteration requires 110 logic gates, which were partitioned across 66 Escherichia coli strains, requiring the introduction of a total of 1.1 Mb of recombinant DNA into their genomes.”
Periodic thread of what I think of as extremely Berlin moments:
Stopped at a red light on my bike while riding home from the gym yesterday, I hear a familiar beat slowly coming into audio focus behind me. Smiling, I look back to see a tall person of indeterminate gender piloting a speaker-laden cargo bike containing an extremely chill golden retriever. All three of us seemed to be bobbing our heads in unison to The Prodigy’s Firestarter.
Later in the day, while walking home with groceries from the nearby market hall, I see two skinny 20-something lads struggling to hand transport a very tall potted plant. Once I’m close enough I see that it’s a very healthy, leafy, and productive Cannabis plant (newly legal to grow for personal use). After our paths cross, I smell it for the rest of the block.
Today, while walking home from picking up fresh produce from a farm share delivery point, I met two women outside my building on stilts. They amiably agreed to pose for a photo.
@nobodyinperson@SReyCoyrehourcq@khinsen I have code (including data analytics code) in C, Common Lisp, and scheme that runs exactly the same after 30+ years, Clojure after 15 years, R after 20+ years. The Python ecosystem is almost uniquely awful for backwards compatibility.