@pfefferle@dinotoyblog Aha, I recently turned on some anti-bot settings in Cloudflare because I've been having content scraped and stolen. See image. That's probably it?
@pfefferle@dinotoyblog I also have Cloudflare's Hotlink Protection enabled, but I've had that on for years without any apparent problem (on Mastodon anyway).
That one post that wasn't federating on Mastodon appeared when I turned off bot security, so good call!
I turned off Cloudflare's Hotlink Protection and the federated images appeared on Pixelfed, but only up to 52 weeks ago (a year exactly). More recent posts do not appear, why would that be?
Unless there's a workaround, I guess this all means I need to decide what's more important to me, security or smooth federation.
@pfefferle Even with all those Cloudflare settings turned off, new posts are not federating to Pixelfed, while they are federating to Mastodon. Any idea what could be the difference?
@skinnylatte I saw you edited your post :) I hope you didn't feel my criticism was in any way directed at you, it wasn't, but I still appreciate your attention to detail! 😎
@skinnylatte Of the nine teeth, one belongs to Zarafasaura, not a dinosaur, three to Mosasaurus, also not a dinosaur, and five to Dyrosaurus, also also not a dinosaur. So, no dinosaurs in their article about dinosaurs. The body of the article describe the teeth as marine reptiles so they know better, but clicks trump facts I guess... #BBC#dinosaurs
Plush Hallucigenia, with many arms for many cuddles! The long 'neck', if you can call it a neck, and small head, is reminiscent of a sauropod dinosaur.
We'll review the Plushtodon Mastodon mascot one of these days... it technically counts as a prehistoric animal toy!
@pfefferle@gay_ornithischians You can see it in the side bar on the front page of https://dinotoyblog.com The widget is a Latest Comments block, see screenshots. Thanks for your support! I just liked (using this mastodon account) a bunch of my federated blog posts to help demonstrate.
I've finally implemented a Dark Mode for the DinoToyForum and added a toggle so members can easily choose between light and dark. https://dinotoyblog.com/forum/
One of few really active traditional forums still ticking along, the Dinosaur Toy Forum is a friendly open community dedicated to the discussion of dinosaur collectibles, dino pop culture, prehistoric animals, and palaeontology.
@gay_ornithischians Not with the forum software I use (SMF). I've looked into this and I think there are more modern forum softwares where it is possible, but I don't think I could ever practically migrate. So, I'm stuck with SMF (which I like, at least), or have to build a new forum from scratch on the Fediverse.
@gay_ornithischians Interestingly, I see your reposts come up as "comments" on the back end and in the comments widget on the front end. But, 1. they link to a line of code rather than the boosted post url, and 2. only appear in the widget on the front page, not other pages. Could be a bug @pfefferle?
@gay_ornithischians Yeah, the comments widget is kind of being spammed by reaction notifications from the Fediverse. On the admin back end I can filter by comment type, but not on the widget. Worse, the links don't lead to the boosted or liked post anyway, neither locally or on the reactor's feed. I expect it's a bug that will be ironed out soon.
@pfefferle@mattwiebe Since you're offering... do you have plans to implement a fix for this issue? https://github.com/Automattic/wordpress-activitypub/issues/840 Reading that thread it looks like you found an explanation/solution, but I'm still encountering the duplicate comments, which is mildly annoying for me (I just delete the Federated duplicate), but confusing for the other non-Fediversey admins on my blog who don't understand why duplicates keep appearing, or which one(s) to approve. so they keep asking me about it.
I'm starting to feel obliged to post something on my plesiosaur blog about the many fake Zarafasaura skulls that have started to appear on Ebay in recent months. I mean, they're as crude as hell and completely unconvincing, despite the real teeth and random bone fragments that have been smushed in, but I still hope nobody unsuspecting gets fooled by them. #FossilFriday#plesiosaurs#plesiosaur#skull#ebay#fossils#fake#paleontology
@pfefferle Any thoughts on this or how to avoid the duplicate posts? It's happening on two of my blogs. Maybe I've missed or mis-clicked a setting. Thanks.
Hi @pfefferle I noticed author comments are now being duplicated as blog-profile comments on my blogs (see pic and other examples in the link). Only the duplicated comments are being federated. Is this intended behaviour (I'm set up as Blog-profile)?
@pfefferle My Wordpress sites have the ActivityPub plugin installed. I created a poll (https://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=11511) to ask visitors to one blog if they know what "Reply on the Fediverse" means on certain comments, and whether it would put them off replying.
Not a huge sample so far but the results are still interesting and, I suspect, indicative.
@monkeyben@pfefferle They don't necessarily *want* to reply on social media at all - they just want to reply to the blog comment on the blog. Most visitors don't understand what it means for the blog, or their comments, to be federated. The "Reply on the Fediverse" button clearly puts some people off. I haven't ascertained what the objection is yet.
Curator at the Nottingham Natural History Museum, Wollaton Hall, UKPalaeontologist working on marine reptiles, especially plesiosaursChildren’s author: The Plesiosaur's Neck & The Tyrannosaur's FeathersOwner of the Dinosaur, Animal, and Monster Toy Blog websites & the Plesiosaur Directory website.Spina bifida and IBS sufferer#curator #NottNatHist #WollatonHall #Nottingham #NaturalHistory #plesiosaur #paleontology #author #dinosaur #Animal #DinoToyBlog #animal #AnimalToyBlog #IBS