@BethanyBlack I used a hand emoji for "tactile" and rapidly discovered each version has many differing interpretations. I wanted touch, smell, sight, sound, balance etc labels asking how a place feels. I think I have to just live with the sniggers.
@CatherineFlick Twitter Ten does not show me accounts at all. Tweets in news articles etc show an error. Logged in people (not many left in my circle) can still see them.
It is a weird business strategy to destroy the access to content that made Twitter pre-Ten popular.
@annika There is a glaring lack of accessibility too. Businesses don't pay attention to the guideline requiring them to keep a clear 2 metre footpath width, and to control the spread of their furniture (plus windbreaks, pots and sandwich boards) obstructing people using wheelchairs, sticks and baby buggies
@pfefferle Jetpack seems to have added a "Share to Mastodon" button in the Sharedaddy plugin, to allow Wordpress readers to share posts in their timelines.
@goatsarah@spydergrrl The Zoe starts the radio every single time you start the car, with no option to change. This is the reason why Star Wars is full of real knobs and switches, and amazing junk shops trading them.