The always excellent Digby has a great post up on resistance today. My only bone of contention is that Dems need to learn to play the game like Repubs—collegial norms should go out the window and they need to get loud to get the media’s attention.
Two things we have to drive a stake through if we ever want to reclaim this country:
1. American exceptionalism 2. Nostalgia
American exceptionalism ties in with the idea that we are somehow different from any other country - people think that somehow we're special because a magical divine being inspired the founders of this country. But he didn't inspire them enough to free the enslaved people.
The 1950s was a short period in our history. This history is recalled fondly mostly by whites men because everyone else remembers it differently back then. Men could easily have their wives committed by meeting with a doctor. The decision on how to treat breast cancer would routinely be talked over between a woman's husband and her doctor.
Black, LGBTQ, Latinx? You had little to no rights.
But whites would wax nostalgic for this short period of time during the 1950s.
The economy was strong because we had pent-up demand after the austerity of the war years and we had amazing production capabilities because of the war. This perfect storm created the middle class. Before that, families did not have nearly much expendable income.
Of course other countries caught up to us and we would forever ask why we can't have the good old days again.
It created a myth of America always being great and having a low divorce rate.
@sand Well, they might feel some remorse when it's their ox getting gored. A lot of these people who voted for him seemed to stop maturing in 5th grade.
It's going to be a tall order to bridge a divide with people who can't even vote their own self-interests.
For a lot of these folks, primary their self-interest is to feel better about themselves at the expense of others.
"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron."
— H.L. Mencken
We've already done that several times, so let's not again, OK?
Just look at this tuna noodle casserole. I hope I'm not trying to rise above my station or anything, but I'm like the fricking Salt Bae of french-fried onions.
Now with 25% more badgering! Peak suburban dad. Progress is made by badgers—hence, my avatar (+ they're adorable AF), lover of snark, (He/Him/His/'That Idiot'). Big fan of silly absurdist humor in the vein of Jack Handey. If you do not accept trans people as fellow humans, it's best you move along; don't sully my profile.Opinions expressed herein represent those of badgers everywhere—take note.#BLM#LGTBQIA#ReproductiveRights#TransRights#VotingRights