Finally got back to setting up #Nextcloud on a #RaspberryPi today (using #NextcloudPi), after failing to make it work some months ago. Turns out I was just one "sudo reboot" away from making it work last time (which I figured out after redoing the entire installation process)...
Ever seen that funny experiment where you cut up a grape, put it in a microwave and observe the plasma sparks between the two halves? Physicists have figured out that you can actually manufacture a microwave resonator to enhance GHz microwave frequencies using grapes - in a way that improves precise quantum sensing experiments! Science rules! :blobcatsunglasses:
After 20 years, it's time for a new watch - a present from my parents for my PhD! I was quite happy with the old one, so I won't change too much :D The new one has less functions and a predicted battery lifetime of 7 years (take that, smartwatch people)! #casio
With quite a number of new followers, let me update my intro post! Hi, I'm Doro! I'm a #Physics PostDoc in Hannover, Germany! I cool atoms to (almost) absolute zero with lasers and drop them in a 10m vacuum tube to measure gravity and other cool stuff. I'm also a fan of open source software (#FOSS), #Linux, and I code in #python for work and for fun! I love SciFi in all forms, especially #StarTrek and #DoctorWho. No tolerance for discrimination of any kind. :lgbtq:
Im #TroetCafe wurden 62% der Bilder mit #AltText (Bildbeschreibung) getrötet - könnte schlechter sein, aber es ist auch noch Luft nach oben! Die Beschreibungen sind wertvoll für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung, aber z.B. auch einfach für Infos zum Bild, die nicht für jede*n Betrachter*in offensichtlich sind. Und bei schlechter Bandbreite, wenn das Bild nicht lädt :D
@Aileen22 Das betrifft die Posts/Profile aller User, die auf dem angemeldet sind, also User mit im Namen :) Wir müssen uns jetzt ein neues Zuhause suchen, aber zum Glück gibt es viele andere Mastodon-Server.
Physics nerd. Loves everything fluffy 🐑🐶🦙🐈.PhD in quantum physics.Currently located in Munich.Big fan of letting people be & love whoever they want! :lgbt:Member of the German Green Party #DieGrünen Profile Picture: That's me - a young white woman with curly brown hair and big sunglasses, smiling into the camera.Header: Two grizzly bears in summer - one is swimming, the other one relaxes with eyes closed and head rested on a stone.Most posts are deleted automatically after 1 month!