I emailed support@voicedream.com to ask if the $60 annual subscription was the discounted price and they emailed back to verify that it was. This morning I sent them the following reply. Hello. Thank you for the clarification. I am a bit frustrated because your FAQ mentions a blue banner but you should remember that many people who use your app are blind and providing instructions that only mentions color excludes a large portion of your audience. Mentioning a blue banner is certainly fine but a clearly labeled button such as “Purchasing Options” should also be available from within Settings and this should be mentioned in the FAQ. I tried to access this option from Settings but it isn’t properly working with VoiceOver On iOS. It might be good if you would establish a Mastodon account as there are many VDR users on that platform who are providing feedback and many of them are very unhappy about this change. It isn’t so much the subscription but the fact that they claim you promised that one-time purchasers would not have to pay a subscription fee. The mention of a blue banner is also frustrating as well since it gives the impression that you are clueless as to the needs of the very audience you’re trying to serve. We would also rather purchase a subscription from our devices to ensure that the purchase is connected to our Apple ID. Honestly, I think the perception is that you’re a bit out of touch with the blindness community and its needs, partially due to your infrequent communication. I personally love VDR but I think being more engaged with your users would go a long way to restoring trust.
@peertube This is an excellent opportunity for the accessibility community to ensure that accessibility is baked into the design and development process. Not to mention the importance of alpha testing to ensure that the app is fully accessible prior to launch.
Pro-life, practicing Catholic. Providing marketing and social media management for Blazie Technologies. Opinions from this account are my own. Over 30 years of experience working in the blindness assistive technology field including providing product support and training to blind children and adults. I've been a JAWS for Windows user since v1.0 and have used NVDA since 2009. Using Windows since V3.1 with DOS before that in the early 1990s. Enjoy science fiction and reading Catholic apologetics. Favorite SF shows are Doctor Who and Babylon 5. I love puns. This account posts about all of the above topics.