Stranger than fiction.
Notices by RacerX (
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RacerX ('s status on Wednesday, 22-May-2024 22:13:28 JST RacerX -
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RacerX ('s status on Friday, 10-May-2024 02:41:46 JST RacerX @WarnerCrocker you really gonna trust THIS guy to put a link in your brain?
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RacerX ('s status on Saturday, 27-Apr-2024 06:45:04 JST RacerX The SCOTUS is bought and paid for. Partisan chicanery that would make Richard Nixon blush with embarrassment. How did we get here? 🤬
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RacerX ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Feb-2024 12:10:48 JST RacerX This.
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RacerX ('s status on Saturday, 03-Feb-2024 23:37:30 JST RacerX Happy #Caturday to those who observe.
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RacerX ('s status on Friday, 31-Mar-2023 08:24:09 JST RacerX Dear Donald:
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RacerX ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 06:08:37 JST RacerX @Mrfunkedude toot toot.