@samuel Ja, drygheten i att installera och underhålla det har varit en stopper här också, driver lite på jobbet och det är inte särskilt kul. @doktorzjivago
FWIW, we (Academic Computer Club in Umeå) has a long tradition of supporting free software and other open non-profit projects for the public good.
For instance a free software mirror that does >50TB/day of traffic, hosting IRC servers for libera.chat and OFTC, hosting some servers for Debian, OSM, and LineageOS.
We also invite free software projects of all languages to this server:
@rysiek LOC here, by plane form IS it is a single change in Stockholm, not too bad last time I did it, time-wise.
I can't promise it yet, but we are aiming for excellent coffee breaks, with fresh waffles if I can wrangle the logistics and permissions (fingers crossed).
We have some good talks already submitted, but space for plenty more (we have an optional second day available if we get enough quality material to fill it). @pettter@mlowdi@dekaminski@dymaxion
Sysadmin and caturday enthusiast. Hiker & biker.Work sysadm: NeIC NT1, HPC2NHobby sysadm: ACCI thought running and ftp server (well, OK, technically it is https these days) with its own AS was so much fun as a hobby, I started doing it for work too.Admin for this server.