@cadusilva Vai dar certo por anos tal qual o Twitter deu. Ele caiu nas graças dos “jornalistas de tecnologia” e dos “influenciadores”. A única diferença para com o Twitter é que com o BlueSky a gente sabe como a coisa vai terminar.
Infelizmente é muito mais fácil as pessoas instalarem um novo app de videos engraçados nos seus celulares do que um aplicativo de mensagens. Uma pena. Sigo tentanto, no entanto. Usem o Signal. https://signal.org/
Streaming services will continue raising their prices until people start cancelling their accounts. They are just testing to see how much we are willing to pay for what they deliver. Have you checked how much you pay in aggregate to all streaming services you subscribe to? Is it worth it? Really?
Everyday I get to know new and interesting people here on #mastodon by just doing one simple thing: following hashtags. Every now and then some nife folks publish posts using one or more of the hashtags I follow. Then I get to know them and eventually follow them.
@lanodan Yes, This is what I was aiming at when I created the poll. I guess the possibility to translate every post to your language expands the possible audience and also fosters the creation of better / larger communities.
Profissional de comunicação com mais de 25 anos de experiência em projetos de marketing, educação e UX.#MidiasSociais #ux #MarketingDigital #ComunicacaoDigital #Privacidade #DesignDeInteracao #EducacaoCommunications professional with over 25 years of experience on Marketing, Education, and UX projects.#socialmedia #ux #digitalmarketing #digitalcommunication #privacy #interactiondesign #searchable#opensource #linux #education