On the occasion of Apple's slithering CEO Tim Cook donating $1M to a neo-fascist insurrectionist, it's FINALLY time to deploy the often overused expression "this never would have happened if Steve Jobs were still in charge."
I would resign as CEO of any company before meeting with Trump. People love to say "They HAVE to do that because BLAH BLAH BLAH" but you don't have to negotiate with fascists. Especially when doing so is only in the pursuit of profit. Real leaders should take a stand.
If things go as badly as I fear, and even if they don't, the CEOs who met with Trump, acted like everything was "business as usual" are going to face a harsh judgment from history. Your legacy is worth far more than your return for investors.
ATTENTION YOUNG PEOPLE. I'm allergic to work but attracted to money. My last "real job" ended in 2002, capping off a ~7 year career at Apple. I didn't make a ton in salary, but while there I contributed the max to 401K. I invested in basic index funds and forgot about them. Now they're worth as much as 10 years working that same job. Invest young, celebrate later. 🌈
Americans are always demonizing the other party. For example, Democrats are always saying Republicans want to "have authoritarian rule and ban women from controlling their own bodies", and Republicans are always saying Democrats want to "give everybody free healthcare." Wait...
If you’re blind and have a Mac, try MarsEdit, my highly accessible native editor for Wordpress and other blogging systems. It defies the whole “block based” Gutenberg approach and just lets you write. Like the ‘90s. https://mastodon.uno/@talksina/112494473098177798
My town lets you request street trees be planted anywhere you can keep an eye on them and water if needed. I am responsible for four trees on my block, and just requested three more. It's great to know that I'm literally throwing shade.
The good news is @bbedit 15 is out! The AMAZING news is that I contributed to it! If you had told me 20 years ago when I was merely a starry eyed Bare Bones fan, that I would be in the About Box (for real!), I wouldn't have believed you. https://www.barebones.com/support/bbedit/notes-15.0.html