This actually wouldn't shock me in the slightest because VC funded software is adopting privacy and security like buzzwords now anyway, so just don't be shocked if they do/are VC funded because tech can't help itself. @aral@m04@bohwaz
It's not #FollowFriday but I wanted to follow some accounts, for writers today actually.
@closedcaptionsbot is a bot that publishes random caption snippets. This has actually helped me in my writing some when I forget what something sounds like. It also highlights some silly caption choices too like "man sighs hungrily."
@sounddescription is a bot that does something similar but it appears to describe sounds exclusively.
Nah, I won't be debunking/rolling my eyes at Apple's sudden #BigTech partnership with OpenAI because I'm starting to think blind people just need to learn the hard way, honestly. That being said, to all the Podcast folks wanting an interview on your pro AI podcasts, sure! I'll gladly come on to talk about how everything AI is exploiting someone, somewhere, including low waged workers that are cleaning up the mistakes and, well, sure! Have me on! I'd love to come on!
I love it when I get asked to interviews and then people *actually check* and are like wait your Disabled so I thought you'd be pro AI and big tech!
Oh well. Canceled interviews means I get to watch Insecure more!
@hipsterelectron@paper@sasha92@mozilla You may not want to say that claim loudly because there are blind people that unquestioningly buy into all the AI hype and they say we don't need humans for accessibility anymore. While I find this about as useful as just a glorified captcha solver, for me, just know there *are* blind people, not me, that argue for so called AI image descriptions over human ones
I plan on submitting a few Pull requests but The submit button appears above the form? Not below? And the subscribe button below the form appears to activate automatically when I tab out of that email edit field and I really would like screen reader users to control that manually. Could you look into this? I'd love to start migrating my mailing list! #Accessibility#Email
Ugh! So #Libby is selling our data, not shocking after they were acquired... but there are alternatives that are below that public libraries can use! I personally recommend libraries use the Palace Project because of their #Accessibility focused design but links are below!
@kirby A lot actually! From email clients that integrate LOM’s natively, to GPT for extensions and above two things made with llama, and soon, Microsoft and Google. But there’s tons of open source that will give you the same functionality
@ljwrites Oh wait, there's prompt injection in the news? Yikes! I thought the prompt wouldn't work because it wasn't a direct input, but when he told it to read his email, it triggered the prompt! Naturally, he disconnected it from his emails straight away, but how has nobody in IT thought about this? Because I bet you what I did was like script kitty stuff! Also, yikes! Again!
@ljwrites Speaking of, LLM's are making their way to Gmail, so I wanna move out of Gmail, like, fast! Got any email providers that *don't* have LLM bullshit? Same thing could happen to me!
Could someone explain to me why do #Privacy advocates keep saying that if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product. Even if you are paying for the product, you still are the product. Case in point, Microsoft Windows OS. Apple. Google workspace. All cell phone providers. Laptop manufacturers. Netflix. YouTube premium. They still take your data and sell truckloads of it so why do people keep saying this phrase? I genuinely want to know what this phrase means today even when you pay for the product, and you still are the product.
oh hey @aral is there a database of small tech I can explore that's broken down into categories? Like a wiki? Something like PortableApps but for small tech?
This is so wild, but the blog and RSS feed, well, one of them anyway, I've been reading and loving, I just figured out was @aral and if you all don't have his RSS feed, you really should, because I love posts like this