Elon Musk has tried everything to get people to move off #Twitter. He has:
- Fired most of the staff. - Let the trolls out. - Boosted the trolls. - Reduced visibility of postings by normal users. - Demanded payment from users. - Reduced the number of posts people can view.
In Pausengesprächen auf dem Aktivcongress stellte sich heraus, dass hier mindestens 2 Personengruppen noch abgeholt werden müssen, damit sie gut im Fediverse ankommen:
1. Leute, die so viel über den Überwachungskapitalismus wissen, dass sie sich von den »sozialen« Online-Netzwerken verabschiedet haben oder nie eingestiegen sind
2. Leute, die z.B. in einer Twitterwechselwelle mal »die« Mastodon-App installiert haben und dann nicht wussten, was die nächsten Schritte sind. Die Timeline blieb leer, also haben sie das Interesse verloren.
Darum biete ich zusammen mit @ueckueck heute eine #FediParty an! Inspiriert von der CryptoParty-Bewegung, bringen alle ihre Geräte mit und bekommen so lange geholfen, bis das Fediverse bei ihnen flutscht.
Wir treffen uns 16:30 Uhr in Raum W. Merkhilfe: W wie Wohlfühlnetzwerk.
If you hear stories about #JohnMastodon, they're not real-- well, *maybe* not.😏
Just remember: There is no algorithm here for people who do not follow you to find you. The best way to have your toots seen is by using lots of hashtags (like these👇👇👇 ).
Be sure to follow @feditips for more helpful #newbie information.
So let me get this straight… #Threads collects massive amounts of data, the platform is full of brands and celebrities, AND it uses an algorithm-driven feed. It tracks users, serves ads, and has quickly filled up, according to reports, with trolls, Nazis and the far right. Oh, and the site makes a shadow account for everyone with an Instagram profile, whether they want to participate or not. But still new users are flocking to the platform?? It’s a case of FOMO, and I don’t think it will last. F*ck Zuck and the corporate trojan horse he rode in on. Very disappointed in those I know who have bought the BS. That’s all I have to say on the matter. #TwitterMigration#TwitterMigrants#SocialMedia#Meta#Zuckerberg
"#Mastodon is failing" so hard that #Fediverse just crossed 4mln monthly active accounts (based on the-federation.info). :blobcatgiggle:
This is already slightly more than Nov and Dec #TwitterMigration waves' peaks. And it is still going up.
What I find particularly important is that it seems like a lot of this is not new accounts, but people returning to accounts created before and then left unused.
I expect this to be a more resilient kind of growth. Less of a drop after it peaks.
If anyone were to tell me that Meta’s #Threads is a better alternative to #Twitter than #Mastodon, I just need to show them this comparison. Meta’s toxic use of your personal data is offensive.
It won’t be long before Threads timelines will be inundated with annoying ads, sponsored posts, and all kinds of sh!t you don’t want to see. Just like IG, FB, and 🐥. #twittermigration
My feed is now all those interesting people, places, & publications that I followed on #Instagram over the years reacting & replying to celebrities & brands like Dunkin Donuts and fucking Paris Hilton.
Or worse, seeing celebrities & brands replying to each other.
Here's a super important recommendation for all the cool people coming over from the #TwitterMigration - for the *most* part, there aren't (as far as I can see) as widespread problems with white supremacists, nazis, far-right trolls, incels, and assorted skips, skags, and scallywags as there are on Twitter/Fb/etc. BUT - they are still here!
HOWEVER, whereas on Twitter, engaging with these various numskulls, nitwits, and nincompoops is a "great" way to get engagement (what with the rage-baiting, hate-clicks, pile-ons etc), it's far less important (and may be counterproductive) here! If some fuckhead right wing fuck jumps in your mentions saying things about "Black-on-Black Crime™" or "groomers," or starting every sentence with "females," you can just block them! Don't even engage! Just report and block their bitch-asses!
Remember - there is nothing on earth you can say to libcuckkiller1488 or KanyeWasRight6969 that is going to be in any way productive! Just block, report, and move on!
I've just published my first ever blog: "The Tragedy of the Non-Commons"
I wrote it in July, frustrated by a Twitter thread about how the Tragedy of the #Commons continues to be taught at universities. I then left it (it's somewhat experiemental) but with #COP27 and #Twittermigration coinciding this week, I just wanted it to be out there. Would love for it to be shared here on our #digitalcommons and grateful for any comments