'Liked Songs Manager' Automatically Turns Your Spotify Likes Into Playlists
#MoodBasedPlaylists #AutomaticPlaylistCreation #LikeSongsManager #Spotify #GenreBasedPlaylists
'Liked Songs Manager' Automatically Turns Your Spotify Likes Into Playlists
#MoodBasedPlaylists #AutomaticPlaylistCreation #LikeSongsManager #Spotify #GenreBasedPlaylists
Chiquis no sabréis cómo migrar mis playlists de #spotify a #soundcloud?
Hoy después de muchos años, he dado de baja #Spotify por dar apoyo directo a Trump y toda su panda de fascistas. Y lo he dejado claro con los motivos.
Troquei o Spotify pelo Deezer faz poucas semanas.
Ainda me acostumando com a interface, mas os catálogos são similares. E o mais importante: os músicos recebem um pouco a mais, que afinal foi a motivação pra mudança.
Mas vamos comparar a tipografia. Ambos usam fontes exclusivas, feitas sob encomenda por estúdios alemães.
Spotify contratou a Dinamo e o resultado é a Spotify Mix. Um pouco de Gill Sans, um pouco de Helvetica e um pouco de Futura. As curvas que se encontram am ângulo nas letras “d“, “q” e ”p” ficaram interessantes mas no geral não se sobressai no mundo digital.
O estúdio NaN conseguiu um resultado melhor para o Deezer com a Deezer Sans. As formas lembram um pouco os títulos de desenhos animados dos anos 50 e ela tem personalidade: veja a letra “g” e o pingo no “i”. Além disso, o estúdio também fez uma versão para títulos e usos específicos que ficou muito boa.
#deezersans #spotifymix #typography #digitaltypography #deezer #spotify
#Spotify has also donated to #DonaldTrump. This is against my #codeofconduct
Learning to Listen
#MediaEffects #MusicIndustry #Spotify #SocialImpact #MusicTechnology
Pues nada, ya sabíamos que #Spotify era lo que era, pero ahora todavía más.
Definitivamente voy a desempolvar los archivos mp3 y que no se diga.
La vida pirata la vida mejor.
▶ They're Not Sending Their Best: "You Had One Job" Edition!!!
Para quem gosta de #Jazz :blobCatMusic:
Faço essa playlist com mais de 6 horas de Jazz 🤌
Outro dia tb esbarrei em outra que tinha salvo do spotify: Jazz Brasileiro
(Para quem não tem #spotify, vários serviços convertem playlists de graça tb)
Aproveitem :bugcat_love:
#musica #music #streaming @musica (pode seguir esse perfil para acompanhar o assunto :bugcat_awe:)
@ointersexo https://bolha.one/@ointersexo/113849809706580152
"The pittance #Spotify offers artists is well known. While having a huge catalog of recorded music at my fingertips is wonderful for me as a consumer, it also means that niche artists such as #Oneida are functionally competing for my attention not just with Beyoncé, but with Elvis and the Beatles.
#Music is both art and a #commodity. The rise of streaming has pushed music even further toward commodity status, nudging people away from close, attentive #listening."
What Spotify took from us by giving us everything
#MoodMachine #Spotify #TheVerge #StreamingMusic #GivingEverything
"In early 2022, I started noticing something strange in Spotify’s jazz playlists...
A listener noticed that he kept hearing the same track over and over on Spotify. But when he checked the name of the song, it was always different. Even worse, these almost identical tracks were attributed to different artists and composers..."
Et du coup pour tous ceux qui voudraient quitter #Spotify (histoire d'être proprio de la musique que vous achetez et de rémunérer les artistes plus dignement) , je suis tombée sur cet outil qui s'occupe de convertir votre playlist en panier d'achat chez quelques revendeurs de musique en ligne, dont bandcamp (qui était ce que je visais).
"Oui mais Moe, ma liste de titres likés n'est pas une playlist exportable"
Tout à fait. Mais y a un workaround tout con. Tu cliques sur le premier titre de ta liste, tu tapes ctrl+A, ça te sélectionne tous tes titres, tu cliques droit quelque part et tu choisis "ajouter à la playlist, nouvelle playlist" et hop.
J'ai 14'000 titres likés j'ai dû faire 2 playlists, il semblerait qu'il y a un plafond de 10'000 titres par playlist. Si Spotify te fait une erreur quand tu essayes de créer ta nouvelle playlist, pas de panique, c'est juste ça qui est en train de se passer.
Do leaked albums help or hinder sales? Maybe it's not a very relevant question anymore. But when "Kid A" was leaked before its release, it certainly sparked my interest, and it ended up being the first Radiohead album that I liked. But it's only now, 25 years later, that I've gotten a physical copy. And that, again, may not have happened if I hadn't listened to it a lot on #Spotify in latter years.
Anyway, I like the album now more than ever.
We'd do better to think of the #SocialWeb not as a new network or a bunch of new apps, but instead as the process of adding a social layer on top of the open web. I mean it's competing with the corporate platforms, but it's really about better connecting the websites that already exist in service of creators and the public, not middlemen.
#Bandwagon (imo) promises that by connecting independent musicians' websites with streaming and payment protocols, we could displace #Spotify ... for example!
Anyone who is running their own personal Spotify via mp3s from their Synology NAS? Any advice? Any particular apps? Any 'how to' guides? I bet this has to be possibly at least locally but I'm hoping it can also be possible on the go.
Meu ano no #Spotify foi simplesmente maravilhoso.
Cancel your #Spotify.
Check out this random track from @cmdr_nova's musical projects! #Spotify #Music #eyeshadow2600fm #plexx
#Spotify #Entertainment The Ghosts in the Machine http://dlvr.it/TGzjgl
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